一段话-6? Weld Procedure Specifications(WPS's) shall ,as a minimum, conform to Section IX of the ASME Code.This includes not only all pressure containing items but also fillet welds and major components such as agitators or loaded internals ,e.g. spargers,baffles ,etc. WPS's .together with the supporting Procedure Qualification Records(PQR's), shall be submitted to the Contractor for view BEFORE commencement of fabrication. 焊接工艺规范(WPS)应以满足ASME规范的第IX部分为最低要求。这不仅包括所有的承压部分,也包括角焊缝和主要部件。主要部件指 搅拌器 或承受内载荷部件(如喷头、折流板)等。在开始制造前,WPS应与PQR一起提交业主进行审核.查看更多10个回答 . 2人已关注