防爆防护等级判断? 如下是赛盟 Terminator™ ZT 温控器 ,请教各位这里面的每个字母 都是啥意思。我没有复制错的。 II 2 G Ex db eb IIC T5-T6 FM10ATEX0058X II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T100°C-T85°C查看更多3个回答 . 4人已关注
forward and aft edge与planes的关系(轴承)? CHECK OF BEARING CLEARANCE 1.1 Disassemble, clean and carefully inspect the bearings for wear and other damages. 1.2 Clean and check shaft journal for wear and other damages. 1.3 Measure journal diameter with a four points check taken in the vertical and horizontal planes at both the forward and aft edge of the journal. 1.4 Clamp the two shell halves of each bearing with the joint faces together and measure bore of the bearing running areas at 2-8 and 4-10 hours at both the forward and aft edge of the bearing. ........... 求标红句译文,轴颈直径是如何测量的? 查看更多5个回答 . 2人已关注