英文规范上的一些翻译(FLOW METER)? 各位大哥大姐好,小弟在看英文规范,有些不懂的地方,还请指教。 1. Meters in liquid service shall be installed so that meters are always full of liquid and trapping of gases is avoided 这句话是 流量仪表 应该安装,以便 流量计 满管且管内无气体残留。 意思是流量计安装时候不要有最高点,不出现拱形,不让最高点积聚气体? 2.The use of strainers( 过滤器 ) and eliminators(消除器) shall be considered and evaluated to protect metering devices whose performance or integrity is compromised without such protection. 这个讲的是流量计在什么情况下带过滤器和消除器?他的性能和整体性在没有保护的情况下妥协是怎么理解? 3. Use of flow profile conditioning devices of any type shall be approved by owner. 这个怎么翻译 流量计的轮廓条件设备? 4. Paddle (桨) type orifice plates 桨式孔板是什么样的? 5.If an orifice meter is the selected flow element, and the orifice plate sizing dictates a meter run size less than a nominal 2 inch (50 mm), use either: a. A honed fabricated meter tube with corner taps b. An Integral Orifice (See Section 3.6 for requirements.) RUN SIZE 怎么理解? 总体意思是管线尺寸小于2“就要角接取压和用一体化孔板? honed fabricated meter tube 是 磨制的流量计管子? 查看更多1个回答 . 4人已关注