PDMS数据检查? 哪位大侠有PDMS数据检查中关于诊断信息的说明啊? 里面有些信息不太明白查看更多 3个回答 . 3人已关注
我公司重油催化装置分馏塔顶部集油箱? 我公司重油催化装置自2007年开工以来,到2008年10月份出现顶循环回流不上量,怀疑顶回流塔盘有问题,检修打开就是集油箱有问题。查看更多 5个回答 . 3人已关注
中压甲醇中,醇分分离不出来醇是怎么回事?? 中压 甲醇 中,醇分分离不出来醇是怎么回事??查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
大家晒一下,为公司自己做的安全生产长远的规划,具体从 ...? 第一、树立安全第一的工作、生活理念; 第二、工作和生活中时时注意安全、做到安全; 第三、带动周围徒弟学会安全、树立安全工作和学习思想。查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
三相异步电动机工作原理,异步指的是什么? 三相异步电动机 工作原理,异步指的是什么?查看更多 11个回答 . 2人已关注
大家谁有立式筒袋泵的动画或者内部结构详细图帮忙一下, ...? 大家谁有立式筒袋泵的动画或者内部结构详细图帮忙一下,谢谢你们啦 查看更多 23个回答 . 2人已关注
膨胀机进气压力超高? 分子筛 吸附,增压透平膨胀机,外压缩流程,一次短暂停机进行恢复开机时,膨胀机进口压力超高 安全阀 起跳,膨胀机还未转, 空压机 出口压力只有0.5MPa。不知同行单位有没有发生过。查看更多 5个回答 . 2人已关注
关于和利时组态时错误查找? 在学习和利时MACS组态时,如编译后提示错误,只是不知其所提示的错误在哪里查找?如何找到错误位置?查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
请问卧式容器大于直径4m的情况下,鞍座如何选取? 我没有遇到过大于4m的容器,但我可以肯定,结合GB150和SW6是可以计算出鞍座的尺寸的。查看更多 19个回答 . 1人已关注
变频器备妥信号是什么意思? 经常看到带变频的设备都会送出一路备妥信号,这路信号主要用来干嘛的?还有就是 变频器 常见的IO信号有哪些?借宝地一问。 查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
往复式压缩机为什么不设变速器? 一般的高压进料泵一般在电机与泵之间设置变速箱来增加速度。为什么 往复式压缩机 没有设置变速箱来增加速度,而是选用合适速度的原动机?往复式压缩机使用变速器有何不足? 查看更多 12个回答 . 3人已关注
小试叔丁基锂使用事故? http://pubs.acs.org/isubscribe/j ... /html/8731sci1.html On Jan. 16, Sheharbano (Sheri) Sangji, a 23-year-old chemistry research assistant, died from injuries sustained in a chemical fire on Dec. 29, 2008, in a laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles 在使用塑料针筒抽取 叔丁基锂 的过程中,由于未知原因推杆脱出,叔丁基锂喷出燃烧,并点燃了实验服。 aldrich推荐使用程序 Harran told Cal/OSHA and fire marshal investigators that the lab generally follows Aldrich Technical Bulletin AL-134 for handling air-sensitive reagents. The bulletin first recommends heating glassware in an oven to eliminate any adsorbed moisture, then cooling it in an inert atmosphere. Sangji refers in her notebook to using flame-dried flasks and the syringe found at the scene was plastic. Additionally, if a researcher is using a syringe to transfer the reagent, the bulletin says to use a 1- to 2-foot-long needle. The Cal/OSHA report says that Sangji’s was 1.5 inches. The Aldrich bulletin also recommends pressurizing the reagent bottle with high-purity dry nitrogen such that the pressure in the bottle pushes out the syringe plunger. “The plunger should not be pulled back since this tends to cause leaks and create gas bubbles,” the bulletin says. But Harran told fire marshal investigators that he prefers not to pressurize the bottle to push out the material. “I find that a little dangerous because then it can jump on you,” he told Aplin and Jurado. Harran said that he favors using a nitrogen line with a bubbler, under enough N2 pressure so that as he withdraws the syringe plunger to pull in reagent, the bubbler keeps going. “Aldrich recommends regulating the inert gas to about 3 to 5 psi to pressurize the bottle,” says Mark Potyen, a R&D scientist at Sigma-Aldrich. “Through a 16-gauge needle, the largest Aldrich recommends, the movement of the plunger is manageable and is a safer technique than pulling the plunger of the syringe to use the reduced pressure in the syringe to draw up the material.” This is partially why Aldrich recommends glass rather than plastic syringes, Potyen says, because pressure at 3 to 5 psi cannot push up a plastic syringe plunger. Aldrich also recommends using a syringe that is twice the volume that you intend to deliver and advises against reusing syringes for multiple transfers, Potyen says, since a dirty syringe could result in a locked-up barrel. For amounts larger than 50 mL, Aldrich advocates that researchers transfer the reagent by cannulating, or using a double-tipped needle to transfer the reagent under pressure from the bottle into a sealed graduate cylinder, then again from the cylinder into the reaction flask. 可能原因 Postdoc Ding noted that, when he first entered the lab, a reagent bottle was sideways and on fire—but he did not say whether that was the tBuLi bottle or the hexane flask. If it was the tBuLi bottle, and it was not clamped as specified by the Aldrich bulletin, it could have been a clue that perhaps Sangji, using a needle too short for the reagent bottle, had upended the bottle in one hand while trying to handle a 60-mL syringe with the other, and things went awry from there. Alternatively, although Harran told C&EN in an interview in May that he remembered that the bubbler on the nitrogen manifold was active when he later returned to the lab and shut down the experiment, he couldn’t recall if the port to the tBuLi bottle was open. Perhaps Sangji had simply forgotten to turn on the gas to the bottle, then pulled too hard on the syringe plunger, not realizing that she was fighting a lack of pressure in the bottle. Other possibilities include that the tBuLi reacted with moisture in the undried syringe, or with air that got into the syringe while Sangji was pulling up the reagent. Or Sangji was on her second or third transfer with a used syringe, it locked up, and she tried to release it. Last but not least, since she was using a 60-mL syringe for 50 mL or more of tBuLi, perhaps she simply overshot while pulling out the plunger查看更多 10个回答 . 3人已关注
催化裂化高温油浆阀门? 催化裂化高温油浆工艺管道中采用什么手动 切断阀 、气动 开关阀 、 气动调节阀 比较适用?用什么厂家的比较理想啊?拜托查看更多 4个回答 . 1人已关注
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Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating V8.4 运行问题? 我打开 换热器 设计软件Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating V8.4 显示run-time error 53,file not found,我看论坛里也有人遇到类似的问题file:///C:\Users\轻舟顺水流\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQ\Temp\%W@GJ$ACOF(TYDYECOKVDYB.pnghttps://bbs.mahoupao.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=125054,请问有大神知道怎么解决吗?我觉得可能是一个注册表的文件出了问题,能请论坛的大神发一份 Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating V8.4 里的 ATVstartpage.dll 文件上来吗? 查看更多 7个回答 . 2人已关注
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职业:杭州双安科技有限公司 - 自控设计工程师
学校:电子科技大学中山学院 - 自动化工程系
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