原位红外的知识-审稿人提的问题补清是什么意思,求助各位大神?"For the supported noble metal catalysts, the shift of these peaks to lower wavenumbers (e.g., 2032 cm-1) may be related to the presence of defect sites at the metal-support interface which could improve CO adsorption ". It appears that the authors lack the knowledge that CO vibrational frequency is determined by interactions of the bonding and anti-bonding orbitals of CO with a surface.??以上是审稿人的一个问题,没看懂,重点是后半句“CO 的震动峰是有键的震动和反向震动决定的“,这句话是什么意思啊,这个问题要怎么回答呢?查看更多6个回答 . 15人已关注