脱盐水pH值为何变化很大? 最近我部门在 测试 脱盐水pH时候发现,用不同的pH计测得的结果差别很大,一个为5.76,另一个为7.89,经过分析发现仪器没有问题。听说脱盐水的pH测定是不能直接进行的,需要加入一定的盐,不知道是真是假。恳请高手出来指导一下!查看更多 16个回答 . 3人已关注
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入行安全管理一年,总感觉工作无法入手? 以前一直做生产管理,一年前转入安全管理,这是基本情况。厂子是一个100人左右的私营化工厂,在厂里安全科就一个人,每天还得兼职做采购,感觉这工作在厂里根本不受重视,每天就是说安全,可是具体到需要车间或者相关部门去做一些整改的时候,听到最多的一句话就是:“你是管安全的,这个事你来做”。偏偏领导也这么认为?你们在工作中是什么样子呀?欢迎赐教!查看更多 20个回答 . 3人已关注
夏日瘦身有新招:意念进食法? The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals。   保持苗条身段的秘密或许非常简单,你要做的也许只需将注意力都转移到进食这件事情上。   A wealth of research suggests that freeing ourselves from distractions and concentrating completely on the food that is in front of us, helps us stay in shape。   有大量的研究显示,将我们从各种干扰和分散注意力的事物中解脱出来,并且将关注的焦点都放在我们眼前的这餐食物之上,这样做就能帮助我们体态轻盈。   Such ‘mindful eating’ ensures that the mind is in tune with the body, enabling it to ‘hear’ the chemical messages that tell it that we are full。   这样一种“全神贯注进食”的方法其实是使得我们的“身心合一”,同时让我们的身体更清晰的接收到某种化学信息,它将告诉我们,自己已经吃饱了。   In studies, including some from the respected Harvard University in the US, dieters who focussed on their food rather than what was going on around them lost an average of half a stone。   来自美国备受推崇的哈佛大学的一些实验表型,进食者将注意力集中在食物之上,并不受周遭所发生的事情之后,他们的体重都有不少的减轻。   Mindful eating, named after the Buddhist principle of focusing on the present, has also been shown to help binge eaters get their splurges under control, with the number of binges cut from eight a fortnight to just three。   “意念进食法”的名称源于佛教中关注当下的教义,同时着也能帮助到不少暴饮暴食的人戒掉这个不好的习惯,没有节制的狂吃一通的情况也从一周八次降低到了三次而已。   The researchers say that digestion involves a complex series of hormonal signals between the gut and the nervous system and it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register that the body has eaten enough。   研究者表示,消化系统中,肠道与神经系统之间存在了一系列复杂的激素响应信号,这一过程大约需要20分钟的时间,大脑才能接收到身体已经吃饱了的信号。   This means that if someone eats too quickly, the signals will lag behind, leading to over-eating。   这也就意味着,如果你吃得太快的话,这一信号将被大大延迟,这将导致你吃得更多。   Distractions also play a role, with a recent British study concluding that eating at your desk could make you fat。   注意力的分散同样也扮演者重要角色,英国最近发布了一个报告称,在 工作桌 前吃饭会是你变胖。   They say that distractions, such as playing on the computer or checking email, make it harder for us to remember what we have eaten for lunch。   研究者表示,例如玩电脑、收发邮件这样的干扰会让我们很难记住自己在这顿午餐中到底都吃了些什么。   This absent-mindedness stops us from feeling full – and sends us reaching for afternoon snacks。   这样“开小差”的状态会让我们很难感知到身体的饱足感,这便使得我们产生了吃午后小点的想法。   Forty-two men and women were given a multi-course lunch by Bristol University researchers, with half playing the card game Solitaire on a computer as they ate。   在一项由英国布里斯托尔大学所进行的试验中, 化工论坛 研究者安排了四十二位男男女女中一半的人一边进食一边玩电脑上的纸牌游戏。   Half an hour later, they were given chocolate biscuits to eat and asked to recall the various items they’d eaten for lunch, in the correct order。   在半小时之后,研究人员给他们分发了小颗粒饼干,并且让他们回忆一下刚才午餐中所吃的不同的食物,并且要按顺序罗列出来。   Not only did the computer-gamers feel less full after eating, they tucked into twice as many biscuits afterwards and struggled with the memory test。   这些玩电脑的人不光在饭后感到没吃饱,并且吃掉了更多的 巧克力 饼干,另外回忆测试的表现也不佳。   It is thought that our memory of what we have eaten plays a key role in dampening appetite. This means that distractions stop us from remembering the detail of what we have eaten – leaving us feeling hungry。   据认为,记忆在进食过程中有着重要的作用,它能抑制我们的食欲。这就意味着,转移注意力和分心将使我们难以记住吃了什么,并且让我们感到饥饿。   TVs, newspapers and even mobile phones should be cleared away – and at least 20 minutes of time set aside per meal。   电视广播、报纸、甚至是手机都应该远离我们的餐桌,并且保证每顿饭有20分钟充足的时间进食。   Those who find it hard not to wolf down their food could try eating with their non-dominant hand – or even using chopsticks rather than a knife and fork。   对于那些放慢进食速度有困难的人来说,他们可以尝试不同的进食方法,使用不顺手不熟练的餐具。   Before snacking, dieters should ask themselves if they are really hungry – and if not, distract themselves by going for a walk or reading。   在吃零食之前,节食者应该好好问问自己,是否真的饿了,如果答案是不的话,那么久该立即去散散步,或者读读书看看报。   Done properly, mindful eating may not only leave you slimmer – you may also enjoy mealtimes more。   如果实施手法得当,“意念进食法”不仅可以帮助我们保持体型,同时还能使得我们更加享受美食。   Elaine Underwood, of food firm Kallo, said: ‘Simple measures such as stepping away from the computer for a few minutes at lunchtime or finding some time in the evening to eat without being distracted by TV or computer will allow people to notice the flavour and texture of what they are eating and enjoy it more.’   相关领域的认识透露,比如说在午饭时离开电脑几分钟,又或者晚餐时专心进食,而不是被电视转移开注意力,这些简单的方**使得我们更加真切体会食物的口感与味道。   Megrette Fletcher, co-founder of the Centre for Mindful Eating in the US, said: ‘Mindful eating is a remarkably simple but powerful tool which can transform not only what we eat but also the way we think about food and how much we enjoy it.’   “意念进食法”不仅操作起来非常简单,同时也有重要的作用,帮助我们关注自己的吃的食物,以及对于食物的认识和想法。 在网上看到的文章,觉得还不错,原文连接: http://edu.sina.com.cn/en/2011-06-16/133461227.shtml 查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
本杰明·富兰克林致? . Benjamin Franklin to His Sister ( Mrs . Jane Mecom ) London , September16 , 1758 Dear Sister , I received your favour of June 17 . I wonderyou have had no letter from me since my being inEngland . I have written you at least two , and Ithink a third before this , and what was next towaiting on you in person , sent you my picture . InJune last I sent Benny a trunk of books , and wroteto him ; I hope they have come to hand , and thathe meets with encouragement in his business . Icongratulate you on the conquest of Cape Breton , and hope as your people took it by praying , thefirst time , you will now pray that it may never begiven up again , which you then forgot . Billy iswell , but in the country . I left him at TunbridgeWells , where we spent a fortnight , and he is nowgone with some company to see Portsmouth . Wehave been together over a great part of Englandthis summer and among other places , visited thetown our father was born in , and found somerelations in that part of the country still living . Our cousin Jane Franklin , daughter of ouruncle John , died about a year ago . We saw herhusband , Robert Page , who gave us some oldletters to his wife , from Uncle Benjamin . In one ofthem , dated Boston , July 4 , 1723 , he writes thatyour uncle Josiah has a daughter Jane , abouttwelve years old , a good-humoured child . So keepup to your character , and don't be angry whenyou have no letters . In a little book he sent her , called “ None but Christ ,” he wrote an acrostick on her name , which for namesake's sake , as wellas the good advice it contains , I transcribe andsend you . “ Illuminated from on high , And shining brightly in your sphere . Ne'er faint , but keep a steady eye , Expecting endless pleasures there .” “ Flee vice as you'd a serpent flee ; Raise faith and hope three stories higher , And let Christ's endless love to thee Ne'er cease to make thy love aspire . Kindness of heart by words express , Let your obedience be sincere , In prayer and praise you God address , Nor cease , till he can cease to hear .” After professing truly that I had a great esteem and veneration for the pious author , permitme a little to play the commentator and critic onthese lines . The meaning of three stories higherseems somewhat obscure . You are to understand , then , that faith , hope , and charity have been called the three steps of Jacob's ladder , reachingfrom earth to heaven ; our author calls them stories , likening religion to a building , and theseare the three stories of the Christian edifice . Thusimprovement in religion is called building up andedification . Faith is then the ground floor , hope isup one pair of stairs . My dear beloved Jenny , don't delight so much to dwell in those lowerrooms , but get as fast as you can into the garret , for in truth the best room in the house is charity . For my part , I wish the house was turned upsidedown ; 'tis so difficult ( when one is fat ) to go upstairs ; and not only so , but I imagine hope andfaith may be more firmly built upon charity , thancharity upon faith and hope . However that my be , I think it the better reading to say —— “ Raise faith and hope one story higher .” Correct it boldly , and I'll support the alteration ; for , when you are up two stories already , ifyou raise your building three stories higher youwill make five in all , which is two more than thereshould be , you expose your upper rooms more tothe winds and storms ; and , besides , I am afraidthe foundation will hardly bear them , unlessindeed you build with such light stuff as straw andstubble , and that , you know , won't stand fire . Again , where the author says , “ Kindness of heart by words express ,” strike out words , and put in deeds . The world istoo full of compliments already . They are the rankgrowth of every soil , and choke the good plants ofbenevolence , and beneficence ; nor do I pretend tobe the first in this comparison of words and actionsto plants ; you may remember an ancient poet , whose works we have all studied and copied atschool long ago . “ A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds .” It is a pity that good works , among some sorts ofpeople , are so little valued , and good wordsadmired in their stead : I mean seemingly piousdiscourses , instead of humane benevolent actions . Those they almost put out of countenance , by calling morality rotten morality , righteousnessragged righteousness , and even filthy rags —— andwhen you mention virtue , pucker up their noses asif they smelt a stink ; at the same time that theyeagerly snuff up an empty canting harangue , as ifit was a pose of the choicest flowers : So they haveinverted the good old verse , and say now “ A man of deeds and not of words Is like a garden full of ——” I have forgot the rhyme , but remember'tissomething the very reverse of perfume . So muchby way of commentary . My wife will let you see my letter , containingan account of our travels , which I would have youread to sister Dowse , and give my love to her . Ihave no thoughts of returning till next year , andthen may possibly have the pleasure of seeing youand yours ; taking Boston in my way home . My love to brother and all your children , concludes atthis time from , dear Jenny , your affectionatebrother . 查看更多 1个回答 . 3人已关注
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