用羟丙基被他环糊精包载三氯生,请问下大神们有没有什么方法能提高包合效率? 我用羟丙基被他 环糊精 包载 三氯生 ,羟丙基被他环糊精易溶于水,三氯生难溶于水,60℃能溶于水,我先将三氯生溶于60℃的水中,再加入羟丙基被他环糊精的溶液,搅拌2小时,冷却,析出白色沉淀,我认为白色沉淀是三氯生,然后将溶液冷却干燥,得到包合物,但是这样的包合物包载量很低,请问下大神们有没有什么方法能提高包合效率。 First of all, triclosan was dispersed in water at 40?C because it is not soluble in water.Then, HPCD (160%, w/v) and HPCD (160%, w/v) aqueous solutions were separately added to the triclosan aqueous dispersion. The amount of CD and triclosan was adjusted accordingly in order to have 1:1 molar ratio of triclosan/HPCD-IC and triclosan/HPCDIC. After the addition of HPCD and HPCD to triclosan dispersion,the solutions became clear and homogeneous due to the dissolution of triclosan by IC formation. As the solutions were cooled down at room temperature and stirred overnight, highly turbid and white color suspensions of triclosan/HPCD-IC and triclosan/HPCD-IC were obtained. 这是文献上的,但是在40℃的时候,三氯生分散水中,不会溶解,加入 羟丙基环糊精 后,不会变澄清,所以我扩大到温度到60℃,能溶解,但是最后析出来的白色沉淀应该是三氯生吧 查看更多3个回答 . 15人已关注