化工专业翻译(不要软件翻译)? Heat transfer to a boiling liquid occurs so often that it is considered anindividual operation. It is called evaporation. The objective of evaporation isto concentrate a solution consisting of a nonvolatile solute and a volatilesolvent. In the overwhelming majority of evaporations the solvent is water. Evaporationis conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentratedsolution or thick liquor. Evaporation differs from drying in the residue is aliquid — sometimes a highly viscous one — rather than a solid, it differs fromdistillation in that the vapor usually is a single omponent, and even when thevapor is a mixture, no attempt is made in the evaporation step to separated thevapor into fractions; it differs from crystallization in that emphasis isplaced on concentrating a solution rather than forming and building crystals. Incertain situations, e.g., in the evaporation of brine to produce common salt,the line between evaporation and crystallization is far from sharp. Evaporationsometimes produces a slurry of crystals in a saturated mother liquor 查看更多3个回答 . 5人已关注