Jacs上最新关于LFP的文章?titlehase Boundary Propagation in Large LiFePO4 Single Crystals on Delithiationfrom:德国马普所大概讲LiFePO4单晶在脱锂过程中的两相界面的转移吧感兴趣的看看。摘要也贴上来:Large single crystals of LiFePO4 have been chemically delithiated.The relevance of chemical oxidation in comparison with electrochemicaldelithiation is discussed. Analyses of the Li content and profiles were done byelectron energy loss spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry. Thepropagation of the FePO4 phase growing on the surface of the large single crystalwas followed by in situ optical microscopy as a function of time. The kineticswere evaluated in terms of linear irreversible thermodynamics and found tobe characterized by an induction period followed by parabolic growth behaviorof the FePO4 phase indicating transport control. The growth rate was shownto depend on the crystallographic orientation. Scanning electron microscopyimages showed cracks and a high porosity of the FePO4 layer due to the significantchanges in the molar volumes. The transport was found to be greatlyenhanced by the porosity and crack formation and hence greatly enhanced overpure bulk transport, a result which is supposed to be very relevant for battery research if coarse-grained powder is used.查看更多0个回答 . 10人已关注