be level and true to...咋理解(设备安装)? The equipment is level and true to the ground and appropriately secured to its base for optimum functionality. “设备”到底是要躺着还是站着? 查看更多9个回答 . 3人已关注
请问这句话是什么意思啊? However, the majority of pairs of repeat units used in block copolymers leads to block copolymers that order into nanodomains with nearly pure compositions similar to those of the two related homopolymers. 我翻译的是: 但是,用来合成嵌段共聚物的大部分 重复 单元对都导致形成这种嵌段共聚物:它排列成为几乎组份纯粹的纳米畴(nanodomain这样翻译可以吗?),而那些组份与那些两个同种均聚物的类似。 觉得问题很大。。。请大家指点。。。查看更多0个回答 . 2人已关注