请大家帮我翻译一下这段文字 (有关PX)? 3. The UOP Parex process extracts para-xylene from other components using a simulated moving bed of molecular sieve adsorbent counter currently with a liquid desorbent. The primary purpose of the Adsorbent Chamber Control System is to maintain product purity and recovery by maintaining proper concentration profiles within the Adsorbent Chambers. The Adsorbent Chamber Control System regulates both process flows and pressures throughout the Rotary Valve and the Adsorbent Chambers. The Control System accomplishes these functions by performing the following: a. Automatic stepping of the Rotary Valve (RV) at a calculated time interval. b. Calculation and implementation of Pumparound Flow Controller setpoint. c. Calculation and implementation of Net Flow Controller setpoints, based on parameter information. d. Regulation of Process flows, Chamber and Dome pressure, Pumparound flows, Head flushes, and Dome sealant. e. Auto Process Variable Switching. f. Implementation of Zone Transition Control (ZTC) algorithms for Pumparound, Pusharound, and Raffinate control loops. 查看更多2个回答 . 4人已关注