韩国语学习(通俗易懂),没有笨学生,只有懒学生。? 现在是学习发音,大家不要反感,我现在贴几个韩英字典里面的图片,我们看看韩国人是怎么教‘世界语言的’,大家不要看笑话,要注意理解我们熟悉的英语单词,在韩国语里面是怎么发出来的。另外词语的解释和例句也是我们需要注意的,在以后的讲解中都会用到。 都是英语的,fighting。细细品味,别有一番滋味在心头 "a" is for africa, where there are no people, just lions. americans are white, kinda standoffish? all the pictures in the book tend to be of white people,especially when it comes to the question of positive words and bodyparts. all's fun in the land of cotton, eh? couldn't we get a picture of a cotton puff, or the plant? negro, please. the comfortable and familiar colonial relationship between civilized and savage. interesting that "korean" is the reification of "tradition."what about a korean scientist? a korean greeting a non-korean? a koreanstanding in front of the kyeongbokkung? interesting again, given thefact that almost all of the other people in the book are white,although it's made by a korean company. you know, us niggers got some big-ass lips! fo' sho'! uncivilized, bone-in-the-nose, savage. uga buga! lord have mercy. this is just beyond any attempt at witty commentary. it's no mystery why plastic surgery has fast become a standard rite of passage. any pretty koreans out there? guess not. daddy warbucks. "the rich are not always happy." he sho' looks happy, do'. whole lotta mess here. schoolgirls, schoolboys, scientists – normal and positive is white in this book. hmm. a white master holding a whip over slaves who look kinda...white? white washing, anyone? oh, while totally and uncritically reinforcing notions of natural superiority over blacks. gender norms. my sister makes clothes for me to wear, cleansthe house. most images reinforce clear gender roles in this dictionary. ok, boys and girls. white is good, white is wise, the white president lives in the white house, nurses are pure and white, white people are attacked by indians?! as natives clearly stand on their own turf and probably have abasic freudian sense of id and self, as a european ship comes up overthe horizon, the natives were discovered by the outsider and revealedto them as...themselves? pretty scary stuff people. problematic historicalrepresentations, the complete dismissal of any agency or self-awarenesson the part of the "coloreds" and "natives," combined insidiously withthe normalization of whiteness itself – to korean people – are all thefoundation for further implications about the nature of racialhierarchy that is presented as natural in the us and stretches all theway to korea. 大家现在知道韩国人的英语有多烂了吧!英语好的韩国人都是由国外生活经历的,所以要对自己的英语有信心。查看更多