增稠剂638的使用方法? 最近配制酸性 清洗剂 ,想提高粘度和稠度,用638增稠的方法是什么呢?或者有没有什么更好的 增稠剂 ?pH值在3.5左右查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
中性染料吸潮问题? 各位大虾,我现在合成的中性黑BL(酸氧体偶合、4-硝基偶合,两个偶合物和铬络合)放置后会出现吸潮问题,请高手指教下哪些方面影响吸潮!查看更多 2个回答 . 17人已关注
想找个用原子力显微镜AFM观察DNA分子的前辈聊聊啊~~~? 有没有用AFM观察DNA分子的前辈在这里,指点一下我目前的实验,学校的AFM型号是veeco di multimode v。试了两次没有观察到任何DNA分子的迹象。看文献说制样很关键,基地用 云母 片。或者AFM参数的设置也很重要,但是一时真是看不懂那么多。。在这儿寻大神帮助!!!想得到的如下图的结果。先感谢对本贴的关注了!!QQ图片20150323114018.png查看更多 6个回答 . 16人已关注
请教下大家关于做反渗透膜实验液体冷却问题? 想请教下做 反渗透 或是 纳滤膜 实验的同志们,实验过程中循环液体由于摩擦生热温度不断升高,你们是采用什么来冷却保持温度恒定的?多谢了!查看更多 10个回答 . 11人已关注
求助分析交流阻抗? 对交流阻抗第一次接触,求助帮忙解析一下,为什么半圆会出现往回走的趋势,还有想问一下拟合出来的误差范围多少才是拟合成功呢 QQ图片20160521171514.png QQ图片20160521171608.png查看更多 3个回答 . 6人已关注
无水硫酸铜显色问题,求助高手解答!? 本人想验证某种溶胶里是否含水,于是将白色的 无水硫酸铜 加入到该溶胶中,显现出浅绿色,而不是蓝色,请问这是什么原因?是因为该溶胶里水分很少嘛?颜色于图片中所示,谢谢:01.jpg查看更多 7个回答 . 12人已关注
求助,浙大高分子读还是不读? 某西南985大四本科在读,高分子材料专业。知乎贴吧网上黑材料是从大一看到了大四。大二曾想过转专业,个人原因太懒了,现在烂坑里了。本科没好好学习,准确的说都没怎么上课。大三下脑子一热家里怂恿考了浙大。现在出分基本稳了。但是我的心有点动摇了。一方面女朋友怀孕了,结婚迫在眉睫,孩子出生后又是各种费用。家里农村人,母亲腰有问题已经几年没有工作了,更不用说带孩子。我对高分子的前景产生一些怀疑,内心十分纠结,因为目前还有个选择。本科四年没好好读书,但是家庭条件太差,一直在做家教的兼职,而且有计划的规划,目前一个月稳定20k,一个月四个周末工作。这个月周一到周五有点学生,增加到30k 。过年寒假20天挣到40k。暑假估计在80k左右。我个人觉得比较喜欢教书,而且想以后慢慢把机构开起来。但是一方面女方觉得我这种不稳定。另一方面我妈那边觉得浙大考上不读可惜,想着去混文凭也好。我自己对本专业说不上喜欢也不反感。之前一直想着出来几年开个小作坊当个小老板。临近复试,内心实在有些纠结,这个浙大读还是不读?查看更多 3个回答 . 10人已关注
哪位大神有物理化学的课后答案,请给我发一份,不胜感激!!(傅献彩主编,第五版)? 本人因考研,急需物理化学课后答案(傅献彩主编,第五版),哪位大神有,请发一份给我,不胜感激!!谢谢!wyc1990127@163.com查看更多 3个回答 . 20人已关注
碳量子点,做过的朋友看过来? 有谁知道这是不是碳量子点溶液,如果是怎么把它浓缩提纯查看更多 1个回答 . 6人已关注
食品级、工业级、医药级、制备级化学试剂的定义? 请问,哪些专业文献中有关于食品级、工业级、医药级、制备级等化学 试剂 的定义?具体级别的区别何在?查看更多 4个回答 . 13人已关注
亚硫酸氢钠结晶? 请问,往 亚硫酸钠 悬浊液中通入二氧化硫形成 亚硫酸 氢钠,当亚硫酸氢钠过饱后,在什么条件下析出亚硫酸氢钠晶体,什么条件下析出 焦亚硫酸钠 ?查看更多 3个回答 . 7人已关注
求助关于电化学测试时,试样封装的问题? 接触电化学实验不久,在试样镶嵌过程中,遇到了问题,想请教给位: ? ???做电化学腐蚀试验,试样需要用 树脂 封装一下,然后磨一下再做实验,而我发现由于树脂比较软,试样硬,镶嵌完磨的时候, 往往树脂去除的比较多,这样试样容易凸出来,这样在试样边界和树脂之间容易形成缝隙,漏液,结果不准。 ? ? 后来我涂了些胶在边界上,但是 测试 曲线杂散点特别多。我请教各位有没有遇到这样的情况,又是如何解决的! 谢谢了!查看更多 6个回答 . 2人已关注
谁表面活性剂手册? 想查各种 表面活性剂 的沸点查看更多 5个回答 . 6人已关注
氧化铝的焙烧问题? 我看文献上一般 氧化铝 做 催化剂载体 时焙烧温度都在450度以上,但我想在氧化铝中加点东西,这个东西的沸点在400度,所以我想问下氧化铝在450度焙烧时能成型吗,孔大小比500焙烧时怎么样?查看更多 12个回答 . 18人已关注
咨询旋转蒸发仪-水循环式真空泵? 我的主要目的是:将溶液中低沸点的溶剂通过旋转蒸发的方式蒸掉,不需要回收。我的问题是:1. 真空泵 操作时需要接进、出水管吗?2. 关机时这样操作是否可以:关旋转电机——关 水浴锅 ——关真空泵——开放气阀门——取下蒸发瓶,是不是这样?还是关旋转电机——关水浴锅——开放气阀门——关真空泵——取下蒸发瓶?查看更多 4个回答 . 19人已关注
实验室炼胶设备? 想买一台 密炼机 或者哈克转矩 流变仪 ,实验室炼胶用,朋友们推荐几个厂家吧查看更多 10个回答 . 13人已关注
量子化学 Quantum Chemistry and spectroscopy Thomas Engel著? 电子档PDF,希望对大家有用。目录From Classical to QuantumMechanics 11.1 Why Study Quantum Mechanics? 11.2 Quantum Mechanics Arose out of the Interplay ofExperiments and Theory 21.3 Blackbody Radiation 31.4 The Photoelectric Effect 41.5 Particles Exhibit Wave-Like Behavior 61.6 Diffraction by a Double Slit 81.7 Atomic Spectra and the Bohr Model of theHydrogen Atom 112 The Schr?dinger Equation 172.1 What Determines If a System Needs to BeDescribed Using Quantum Mechanics? 172.2 Classical Waves and the Nondispersive WaveEquation 212.3 Waves Are Conveniently Represented asComplex Functions 252.4 Quantum Mechanical Waves and the Schr?dingerEquation 262.5 Solving the Schr?dinger Equation: Operators,Observables, Eigenfunctions, and Eigenvalues 282.6 The Eigenfunctions of a Quantum MechanicalOperator Are Orthogonal 302.7 The Eigenfunctions of a Quantum MechanicalOperator Form a Complete Set 322.8 Summing Up the New Concepts 343 The Quantum MechanicalPostulates 393.1 The Physical Meaning Associated with the WaveFunction Is Probability 403.2 Every Observable Has a CorrespondingOperator 413.3 The Result of an Individual Measurement 423.4 The Expectation Value 423.5 The Evolution in Time of a QuantumMechanical System 463.6 Do Superposition Wave Functions Really Exist? 464 Using Quantum Mechanics onSimple Systems 514.1 The Free Particle 514.2 The Particle in a One-Dimensional Box 534.3 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boxes 574.4 Using the Postulates to Understand the Particle inthe Box and Vice Versa 585 The Particle in the Box and theReal World 695.1 The Particle in the Finite Depth Box 695.2 Differences in Overlap between Core and ValenceElectrons 705.3 Pi Electrons in Conjugated Molecules Can BeTreated as Moving Freely in a Box 715.4 Why Does Sodium Conduct Electricity and WhyIs Diamond an Insulator? 725.5 Traveling Waves and Potential Energy Barriers 735.6 Tunneling through a Barrier 755.7 The Scanning Tunneling Microscope and theAtomic Force Microscope 775.8 Tunneling in Chemical Reactions 825.9 (Supplemental) Quantum Wells andQuantum Dots 836 Commuting and NoncommutingOperators and the SurprisingConsequences of Entanglement 916.1 Commutation Relations 916.2 The Stern–Gerlach Experiment 936.3 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 966.4 (Supplemental) The Heisenberg UncertaintyPrinciple Expressed in Terms of StandardDeviations 1006.5 (Supplemental) A Thought Experiment Using aParticle in a Three-Dimensional Box 1026.6 (Supplemental) Entangled States, Teleportation,and Quantum Computers 1047 A Quantum Mechanical Model forthe Vibration and Rotation ofMolecules 1137.1 The Classical Harmonic Oscillator 1137.2 Angular Motion and the Classical Rigid Rotor 1177.3 The Quantum Mechanical HarmonicOscillator 1197.4 Quantum Mechanical Rotation in TwoDimensions 1247.5 Quantum Mechanical Rotation in ThreeDimensions 1277.6 The Quantization of Angular Momentum 1297.7 The Spherical Harmonic Functions 1317.8 Spatial Quantization 1338 The Vibrational and RotationalSpectroscopy of DiatomicMolecules 1398.1 An Introduction to Spectroscopy 1398.2 Absorption, Spontaneous Emission, andStimulated Emission 1418.3 An Introduction to Vibrational Spectroscopy 1438.4 The Origin of Selection Rules 1468.5 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 1488.6 Rotational Spectroscopy 1518.7 (Supplemental) Fourier Transform InfraredSpectroscopy 1578.8 (Supplemental) Raman Spectroscopy 1598.9 (Supplemental) How Does the Transition Ratebetween States Depend on Frequency? 1619 The Hydrogen Atom 1739.1 Formulating the Schr?dinger Equation 1739.2 Solving the Schr?dinger Equation for theHydrogen Atom 1749.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions for theTotal Energy 1759.4 The Hydrogen Atom Orbitals 1819.5 The Radial Probability DistributionFunction 1839.6 The Validity of the Shell Model ofan Atom 187vi CONTENTS10 Many-Electron Atoms 19110.1 Helium: The Smallest Many-Electron Atom 19110.2 Introducing Electron Spin 19310.3 Wave Functions Must Reflect theIndistinguishability of Electrons 19410.4 Using the Variational Method to Solve theSchr?dinger Equation 19810.5 The Hartree–Fock Self-Consistent FieldMethod 19910.6 Understanding Trends in the Periodic Tablefrom Hartree–Fock Calculations 20711 Quantum States forMany-Electron Atoms andAtomic Spectroscopy 21511.1 Good Quantum Numbers, Terms, Levels, andStates 21511.2 The Energy of a Configuration Depends on BothOrbital and Spin Angular Momentum 21711.3 Spin-Orbit Coupling Breaks Up a Term intoLevels 22411.4 The Essentials of Atomic Spectroscopy 22511.5 Analytical Techniques Based on AtomicSpectroscopy 22711.6 The Doppler Effect 23011.7 The Helium-Neon Laser 23111.8 Laser Isotope Separation 23411.9 Auger Electron and X-Ray PhotoelectronSpectroscopies 23511.10 Selective Chemistry of Excited States:O(3P) and O(1D) 23811.11 (Supplemental) Configurations with Paired andUnpaired Electron Spins Differ in Energy 23912 The Chemical Bond in DiatomicMolecules 24512.1 Generating Molecular Orbitals from AtomicOrbitals 24512.2 The Simplest One-Electron Molecule:24912.3 The Energy Corresponding to theMolecular Wave Functions and 25112.4 A Closer Look at the Molecular WaveFunctions cg and cu 25412.5 Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules 25612.6 The Electronic Structure of Many-ElectronMolecules 26012.7 Bond Order, Bond Energy, and BondLength 26312.8 Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules 26512.9 The Molecular Electrostatic Potential 26813 Molecular Structure and EnergyLevels for Polyatomic Molecules 27513.1 Lewis Structures and the VSEPR Model 27513.2 Describing Localized Bonds Using Hybridizationfor Methane, Ethene, and Ethyne 27813.3 Constructing Hybrid Orbitals for NonequivalentLigands 28113.4 Using Hybridization to Describe ChemicalBonding 28413.5 Predicting Molecular Structure UsingQualitative Molecular Orbital Theory 28613.6 How Different Are Localized and DelocalizedBonding Models? 28913.7 Molecular Structure and Energy Levels fromComputational Chemistry 29213.8 Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory forConjugated and Aromatic Molecules: TheHückel Mode 29413.9 From Molecules to Solids 30013.10 Making Semiconductors Conductive at RoomTemperature 30114 Electronic Spectroscopy 30914.1 The Energy of Electronic Transitions 30914.2 Molecular Term Symbols 31014.3 Transitions between Electronic States ofDiatomic Molecules 31314.4 The Vibrational Fine Structure of ElectronicTransitions in Diatomic Molecules 31414.5 UV-Visible Light Absorption in PolyatomicMolecules 31614.6 Transitions among the Ground and ExcitedStates 31814.7 Singlet–Singlet Transitions: Absorption andFluorescence 31914.8 Intersystem Crossing and Phosphorescence 32114.9 Fluorescence Spectroscopy and AnalyticalChemistry 32214.10 Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy 32314.11 Single Molecule Spectroscopy 32514.12 Fluorescent Resonance EnergyTransfer (FRET) 32714.13 Linear and Circular Dichroism 33114.14 Assigning and to Terms of DiatomicMolecules 33315 Computational Chemistry 33915.1 The Promise of Computational Chemistry 33915.2 Potential Energy Surfaces 34015.3 Hartree–Fock Molecular Orbital Theory: A DirectDescendant of the Schr?dinger Equation 34415.4 Properties of Limiting Hartree–Fock Models 34615.5 Theoretical Models and Theoretical ModelChemistry 35115.6 Moving Beyond Hartree–Fock Theory 35215.7 Gaussian Basis Sets 35715.8 Selection of a Theoretical Model 36015.9 Graphical Models 37415.10 Conclusion 38216 Molecular Symmetry 39516.1 Symmetry Elements, Symmetry Operations, andPoint Groups 39516.2 Assigning Molecules to Point Groups 39716.3 The H2O Molecule and the C2v Point Group 39916.4 Representations of Symmetry Operators, Basesfor Representations, and the Character Table 40416.5 The Dimension of a Representation 40616.6 Using the C2v Representations to ConstructMolecular Orbitals for H2O 41016.7 The Symmetries of the Normal Modes ofVibration of Molecules 41216.8 Selection Rules and Infrared versus RamanActivity 41616.9 (Supplemental) Using the Projection OperatorMethod to Generate MOs That Are Bases forIrreducible Representations 41717 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSpectroscopy 42317.1 Intrinsic Nuclear Angular Momentum andMagnetic Moment 42317.2 The Energy of Nuclei of Nonzero Nuclear Spinin a Magnetic Field 42517.3 The Chemical Shift for an Isolated Atom 42717.4 The Chemical Shift for an Atom Embedded in aMolecule 42817.5 Electronegativity of Neighboring Groups andChemical Shifts 42917.6 Magnetic Fields of Neighboring Groups andChemical Shifts 43017.7 Multiplet Splitting of NMR Peaks Arisesthrough Spin–Spin Coupling 43117.8 Multiplet Splitting When More Than Two SpinsInteract 43617.9 Peak Widths in NMR Spectroscopy 43817.10 Solid-State NMR 44017.11 NMR Imaging 44017.12 (Supplemental)The NMR Experiment in theLaboratory and Rotating Frames 44217.13 (Supplemental) Fourier Transform NMRSpectroscopy 44417.14 (Supplemental) Two-Dimensional NMR 448APPENDIX A Math Supplement 455APPENDIX B Point Group Character Tables 477APPENDIX C Answers to Selected End-of-ChapterProblems 485CREDITS 489INDEX 491查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
手套箱内锂片变黄? 我们买的 手套箱 内的锂片老是刮开过一会变黄,然后变成 亮蓝 色,最后变黑色。刚开始认为是手套箱密封不好,湿度高,有 氮气 存在,但是手套箱修过,氧,水含量都正常,工作气体也换了,锂片仍变黄。请大家谈谈是否遇到过此类现象?都是怎么解决的?谢谢大家啦!查看更多 7个回答 . 17人已关注
一次颗粒二次颗粒的区别,富锂锰基的合成方法有哪些?谢谢啦? 一次颗粒二次颗粒的区别,富锂锰基的合成方法有哪些?谢谢啦查看更多 2个回答 . 20人已关注
谁有中南大学郭炳坤《锂离子电池》的课件啊!? 谁有中南大学郭炳坤《 锂离子电池 》的课件啊!麻烦给发一份,金币好说,呵呵!chemcj@126.com查看更多 3个回答 . 12人已关注
职业:泉州振戎石化仓储有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:湖南工程职业技术学院 - 化学化工系
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