分子筛 XRD图像分析?跨专业研一研究生,刚进入分子筛课题组。为了对分子筛方向有更多了解,跟着《Enhancing CO2 Adsorption and Separation Properties of Aluminophosphate Zeolites by Isomorphous Heteroatom Substitutions》这篇文章复刻了实验 原文献: 实验 Synthesis of AlPO-ERI. In a typical synthesis, 0.408 g Al(iPrO)3 was dispersed in a solution of 7 mL H2O and 0.307 g H3PO4 (85 wt % in water). Then, 0.200 mL TMHDA was stirred into the mixture. A homogeneous gel would form with a molar composition of 1.00 Al(iPrO)3: 1.33 H3PO4: 0.47 TMHDA: 200.00 H2O. The gel would then be stirred for another half an hour. The hydrothermal synthesis condition was set at 453 K for 2 days in 23 mL Teflon-lined stainlesssteel autoclaves. The white crystals could be obtained after separation by filtration with continuous washing. Following characterizations would then be performed for the sample after drying at 333 K over night 我的步骤: 2019.3.17 AlPO-ERI: 1. 稀释磷酸:0.68g磷酸+14ml水 2. 加入 异丙醇铝 混合: 在1的混合液体中加入0.80g异丙醇铝 3. 加入TMHDA:在2的混合物中加入0.4ml的THDMA 4. 超声波清洗器 搅拌30min (没有冰袋,在15min时换冷水一次) 5. 放入 反应釜 并置于烘箱中恒温,加热程序如下: (1):由室温30min升温到180℃ (2):在180℃下恒温48h (3):180℃在40min降温到40℃ (4):关闭烘箱 6. 取出药品置于离心管离心3次(5000)。倒入乙醇静置12h,到时间后倒出上层清液并加入新的乙醇(重复三次) 7. 置于烘箱在170℃下干燥6h 问:1.XRD图的分析,2.XRD图出现这种情况的可能原因。 文献中的XRD图.png 我的XRD图.png查看更多2个回答 . 7人已关注