钢铁在大气中的腐蚀,由重到轻的环境排序.? 钢铁在大气中的腐蚀,由重到轻的环境排序.查看更多 8个回答 . 2人已关注
急求空分装置规模? 之前未接触过空分这块,现需要 氧气 量15452Nm3/h,求需要多大规模空分装置?查看更多 7个回答 . 5人已关注
工业上氯化苯回收率有多少? 请问各位,工业上 氯化苯 蒸馏回收回收率大概有多少?查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
已解决多谢各位~~~? 塔1 塔2 塔3 塔4 啊查看更多 87个回答 . 5人已关注
求助搞设计的高手? 本人希望各位高手指路,我想学习塔、泵、 换热器 等得设计方法,希望大家提供专业的书籍名称,不要像化工原理那样的,不只是主要设备,还包括一些辅助的设备等等,需要专业权威的,和设计院接轨的,要包括各个小细节的东西,简单的说就是超级全面的查看更多 10个回答 . 5人已关注
储罐底板搭接焊与对接焊的优缺点? 储罐底板搭接焊与对接焊的优缺点? 希望高手前来指导! 查看更多 6个回答 . 1人已关注
加氢制氢技术? 哪位有加氢制氢技术的资料呀,可不可以发点共享下??主要是制氢(用 甲醇 和水)谢谢了,要是能发邮箱里就更好了 [email=sdwy_2002@163]sdwy_2002@163[/email].com查看更多 7个回答 . 1人已关注
絮凝沉淀该如何处理? 在废水处理中加入 絮凝剂 絮凝,其产生的大量沉淀该如何去除?请有这方面经验的专家多多讨论指教,能否回收?谢谢了查看更多 5个回答 . 1人已关注
关于外取热? 各位大虾,偶然在催化应急知识丛书里看到这样一个问题,说外取热汽包满水的原因是什么,第一条:“外取热器 催化剂 循环量突然增大,取热器取热量突然增加,气化率增大,造成汽包水位增高”。感觉跟往常理解相反,请各位发表自己的看法,谢谢。 查看更多 9个回答 . 2人已关注
注册安全工程师介绍及09年考试安排?  一、考试简介                                 注册安全工程师简介注册安全工程师是指通过全国统一考试,取得《中华人民共和国注册安全工程师执业资格证书》,并经注册的专业技术人员。 注册安全工程师英文译称 Certified Safety Engineer 。生产经营单位中安全生产管理、安全工程技术工作等岗位及为安全生产提供技术服务的中介机构,必须配备一定数量的注册安全工程师。经国家经济贸易委员会授权,**生产监督管理局负责实施注册安全工程师执业资格制度的有关工作。 注册安全工程师执业资格实行全国统一大纲、统一命题、统一组织的考试制度,原则上每年举行一次。 **生产监督管理局负责拟定考试科目、编制考试大纲、编写考试用书、组织命题工作,统一规划考前培训等有关工作。考前培训工作按照培训与考试分开,自愿参加的原则进行。 人事部负责审定考试科目、考试大纲和考试试题,组织实施考务工作。会同**生产监督管理局对注册安全工程师执业资格考试进行检查、监督、指导和确定合格标准。 注册安全工程师执业资格考试合格,由各省、自治区、直辖市人事部门颁发人事部统一印制,人事部和**生产监督管理局用印的《中华人民共和国注册安全工程师执业资格证书》。该证书在全国范围有效。   二、报考条件 (一)凡中华人民共和国公民,遵守国家法律、法规,并具备下列条件之一者,可申请参加注册安全工程师执业资格考试: 1 、取得安全工程、工程经济类专业中专学历,从事安全生产相关业务满 7 年;或取得其他专业中专学历,从事安全生产相关业务满 9 年。 2 、取得安全工程、工程经济类大学专科学历,从事安全生产相关业务满 5 年;或取得其他专业大学专科学历,从事安全生产相关业务满 7 年。 3 、取得安全工程、工程经济类大学本科学历,从事安全生产相关业务满 3 年;或取得其他专业大学本科学历,从事安全生产相关业务满 5 年。 4 、取得安全工程、工程经济类第二学士学位或研究生班毕业,从事安全生产相关业务满 2 年;或取得其他专业第二学士学位或研究生班毕业,从事安全生产相关业务满 3 年。 5 、取得安全工程、工程经济类硕士学位,从事安全生产相关业务满 1 年;或取得其他专业硕士学位,从事安全生产相关业务满 2 年。 6 、取得安全工程、工程经济类博士学位;或取得其他专业博士学位,从事安全生产相关业务满 1 年。 (二)凡符合注册安全工程师执业资格考试报考条件,且在 2002 年底前已评聘高级专业技术职务,并从事安全生产相关业务工作满 10 年的专业人员,可免试《安全生产管理知识》和《安全生产技术》两个科目,只参加《安全生产法及相关法律知识》和《安全生产事故案例分析》两个科目的考试。 (三)根据人事部《关于做好香港、澳门居民参加内地统一举行的专业技术人员资格考试有关问题的通知》(国人部发〔 2005 〕 9 号)文件精神,自 2005 年度起,凡符合注册安全工程师执业资格考试有关规定的香港、澳门居民,均可按照规定的程序和要求,报名参加相应专业考试。香港、澳门居民申请参加注册安全工程师执业资格考试,在资格审核时应提交本人身份证明、国务院教育行政部门认可的相应专业学历或学位证书,以及相应专业机构从事相关专业工作年限的证明。 (四)上述报考条件中有关学历的要求是指经国家教育部门承认的学历或学位;从事相关业务工作的年限要求是指取得规定学历前、后从事该相关业务工作时间的总和,其截止日期为考试报名当年年底。   三、考试科目、考试成绩管理                        考试科目:安全生产法及相关法律知识、安全生产管理知识、安全生产技术、安全生产事故案例分析。 成绩管理:注册安全工程师执业资格考试的考试成绩实行两年为一个周期的滚动管理办法。参加全部四个科目考试的人员必须在连续的两个考试年度内通过全部科目;免试部分科目的人员必须在一个考试年度内通过应试科目。   四、考试时间    2009 注册安全工程师考试时间是 9 月 5-6 日,具体考试安排如下: 日 期 考 试 时 间 考 试 科 目 9 月 5 日 上午 9 : 00—11 : 30 安全生产法及相关法律知识 下午 2 : 00—4 : 30 安全生产管理知识 9 月 6 日 上午 9 : 00—11 : 30 安全生产技术 下午 2 : 00—4 : 30 安全生产事故案例分析   五、报名办法   (一)报名时间:四、五月份。   (二)报名方式和地点:一般采用网上和现场报名两种方式,地点在各地人事考试中心。   民人事字〔 2008 〕 182 号   委直属各单位:   为加强专业技术人员资格考试的规划与管理工作,人力资源和社会保障部已下发了《关于印发 2009 年度专业技术人员资格考试工作计划的通知》(人社厅发〔 2008 〕 75 号),请各单位接到本通知后,及时通知有关人员,合理安排,做好备考工作。   附:关于印发《 2009 年度专业技术人员资格考试工作计划》的通知   人 事 司 二 ○○ 八年十月二十日   附件:   人力资源和社会保障部办公厅文件   人社厅发〔 2008 〕 75 号   关于印发 2009 年度专业技术人员资格考试工作计划的通知   各省、自治区、直辖市人事厅 ( 局 ) 、劳动保障厅 ( 局 ) ,新疆生产建设兵团人事局、劳动保障局,有关副省级市人事局、劳动保障局;国务院各部委、各直属机构人事部门:   为进一步做好专业技术人员资格考试的规划与管理工作,经与有关部门和相关考试管理机构研究,现将《 2009 年度专业技术人员资格考试工作计划》印发给你们,未列入本计划的其他专业技术人员资格考试的日期另行通知。请各地、各有关部门抓紧筹备,认真组织实施,确保各项考试工作安全顺利进行。   附表: 2009 年度专业技术人员资格考试工作计划   二 ○○ 八年十月八日 2009 年度专业技术人员资格考试工作计划 序号 专业名称 考试日期 1 职称外语 3 月 29 日 2 投资建设项目管理师 4 月 11 、 12 日 3 注册咨询工程师(投资) 4 月 17 、 18 、 19 日 4 假肢制作师、矫形器制作师(纸笔作答) 4 月 19 日 5 公安(刑侦、技侦) 6 注册建筑师 一级 5 月 9 、 10 、 11 、 12 日 二级 5 月 9 、 10 日 7 卫生(纸笔作答和人机对话) 5 月 9 、 10 、 16 、 17 日 8 会计 5 月 16 、 17 日 9 管理咨询师 5 月 23 日 10 监理工程师 5 月 23 、 24 日 11 环境影响评价工程师 12 二、三级翻译专业资格(水平) 13 计算机技术与软件 14 棉花 质量检验师 5 月 31 日 - 6 月 5 日 15 社会工作者 6 月 13 、 14 日 16 注册税务师 6 月 19 、 20 、 21 日 17 质量 6 月 21 日 18 价格鉴证师 9 月 4 、 5 、 6 日 19 注册资产评估师(含珠宝专业部分科目) 20 注册设备监理师 9 月 5 、 6 日 21 注册安全工程师 22 注册核安全工程师 23 拍卖师(纸笔作答) 9 月 12 、 13 日 24 国际商务 25 勘察设计行业 注册土木 工程师 岩土 9 月 19 、 20 日 港口与航道 水利水电工程 水利水电工程规划 水工结构 水利水电工程地质 水利水电工程移民 水利水电工程水土保持 注册电气 工程师 发输变电 供配电 注册公用设备 工程师 暖通空调 给水排水 动力 注册化工工程师 注册 环保工程 师 注册结构 工程师 一级 二级 26 房地产经纪人 10 月 17 、 18 日 27 房地产估价师 28 执业药师 29 矿产权评估师 30 审计 10 月 18 日 31 出版 32 假肢制作师、矫形器制作师(实际操作) 10 月 19 - 24 日 33 造价工程师 10 月 24 、 25 日 34 企业法律顾问 35 拍卖师(实际操作) 36 注册城市规划师 37 统计 10 月 25 日 38 经济 11 月 8 日 39 计算机技术与软件 11 月 14 、 15 日 40 土地登记代理人 41 二、三级翻译专业资格(水平) 42 全国计算机应用能力 各地自行确定 查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
主风机防喘振阀打开原因? 工艺参数、防喘振参数均为达到打开条件,其它均为动作。查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
起重机正规使用要求你了解多少? 在这个快速发展的高科技时代,人们生活上的劳力工作远远的离不开一些电动设备,也正是这些设备减轻了人们的劳动力,提高了劳动生产效率。以前人们在建房子的时候,都是用人力来搬运材料,而现在这份工作由起重机来担任了。 起重机都是归属大件机械设备,然而在使用的时候一定要做好安全措施。一点小小的疏忽就会很容易的导致事故意外的发生。在操作起重机时有哪些事项需要强调注意的呢? 施工前,要确保现场可以安全施工。开起重机的司机必须经过专业技术训练并持有相关的职业证书才可上岗。 施工过程中,任何人不可以走到起重机下面,闲杂人等不可出入施工场地。操作人员更是要严格的根据起重机使用程序操作,坚决不可以自行违反起重机使用规章。在施工现场,一定要有专业人士指挥,为了确保人员安全,现场工作人员一定要佩戴好 安全帽 。 这些都是使用起重机的要求以及需要注意的事项。生活中我们使用或是接触起重机都是很普遍的,所以掌握一些它的使用要求对自己的生活上会有很大的帮助哦。 查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
影响沸石分子筛的强度因素? 本人刚接触 分子筛 。请问盖德们,影响分子筛的强度有哪些? 与 粘接剂 ,原粉的配比,合成温度,陈化温度及时间等有关吗?、 (此区为分离区,以后发帖注意点) [ ]查看更多 3个回答 . 2人已关注
消防电缆敷设问题? 请教:现有从消防控制箱到消防阀电动装置之间的电缆连接。设计为耐火电缆,请问这段电缆连接是否为暗敷,暗敷是否要穿管,如穿管可否用PVC管。能否穿钢管眀敷。查看更多 4个回答 . 4人已关注
支管座提报需要哪些参数? 请问支管座提报需要哪些参数,只有管径和压力行吗?查看更多 7个回答 . 3人已关注
关于PLC换卡的问题? 是西门子S7-300换AI卡,是不是先把PLC打到SHOP,换后就直接可以换卡了。查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
2006,制药巨头们难捱的一年? Pharma faces major challenges after a year of failures and heated battles<BR>(Nature Drug Discovery,作者:Simon Frantz)<BR>Abstract<BR> Trial disasters and patent issues look set to change the direction of the industry over the next few years.2006 was always going to be a pivotal year for the pharmaceutical industry. Descriptions of an industry facing dwindling R&amp;D pipelines while patents on lucrative blockbuster drugs are beginning to expire have been repeated almost to the point of becoming a cliché. But no-one can dispute the fact that the industry went through a tough patch in 2005, and 2006 began with all in the field hoping for some signs that the industry could be getting back on its feet. There were some notable successes in the field (Box 1) but the last thing that the industry needed was a brace of high-profile late-stage trial failures.<BR> Box 1 It wasn't all bad news<BR> · Full box <BR><FONT color=red>The last thing that the industry needed was a brace of high-profile late-stage trial failures.</FONT><BR><BR><FONT color=red>The drugs don't work</FONT><BR>Several companies received huge body blows from trials. Chief among them was AstraZeneca, which pulled the plug on two of its treatments for stroke. The anticoagulant treatment Exanta (ximelagatran) was withdrawn after a trial confirmed the initial concerns over liver toxicity in Phase III trials on the prevention of stroke and systemic embolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation. NXY-059 — a treatment developed with Renovis that traps free radicals that damage neurons after a stroke — had been successful in one Phase III trial, reducing disability in patients compared with a placebo. But the drug was withdrawn when it failed to show any clinical benefit in a second, larger trial.<BR>Another drug class that had shown tremendous early promise, the dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonist in diabetes, also fell by the wayside in 2006. The FDA had granted conditional approval of Bristol–Myers Squibb's Pargluva (muraglitazar) in 2005 because of cardiovascular risks. At the time Merck halted its marketing deal for the drug, and BMS finally abandoned the drug in May last year, saying that it would not be worth spending the 5 years that it would take to carry out the trials to fulfil the regulatory requirements. AstraZeneca pulled Galida (tesaglitazar) after Phase III trials showed elevated levels of creatinine, indicating kidney damage.<BR>No late-stage failure, though, came much bigger than the most recent one. Last month, Pfizer announced that it was immediately halting all trials on its most promising late-stage treatment torcetrapib for safety reasons (see page 14). Pfizer was hoping that this high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol-raising drug would help to extend the lifetime of its top-seller Lipitor (atorvastatin), which goes off-patent in 2010, by combining the two treatments for cardiovascular disease. At an estimated clinical development cost of US$800 million for torcetrapib, and revenues of $12 billion a year for Lipitor now in danger of disappearing in 3 years' time, this failure couldn't be more expensive for Pfizer.<BR><BR><FONT color=red>Cytokine storm in a teacup</FONT><BR>As high profile as these large trials were, the trial that arguably grabbed the most headlines in 2006 was one carried out on only a handful of people. A Phase I trial in the UK on TeGenero's experimental antibody TGN1412 went disastrously wrong, leaving the six patients who received the treatment in intensive care. A single dose of the anti-CD28 antibody for leukaemia induced a 'cytokine storm' in the subjects, causing complications including lung injury, renal failure and coagulation in the vasculature within hours. The extreme reaction in humans highlights the uncomfortable truth that there is an awful lot about human immunology that we still don't understand. Tests on TGN1412 in monkeys had shown no major trouble, and the initial dose in humans was one-five-hundredth of the maximum safe dose used in animal studies. Doctors who treated the patients suggested that the reason for the disaster could be that affinity of TGN1412 might be different in humans than in preclinical models, or that laboratory models have more naive T cells than humans. Whatever the reason, the dose protocol was ill-advised. TGN1412 was given to all six patients at the same time, instead of staggering the dosing. The disaster left an indelible mark on the industry. TeGenero became bankrupt, and the UK regulators appointed an expert scientific panel, which concluded that more stringent safeguards are required for trials on new biological drugs like TGN1412 (see page 14 of this issue).<BR><BR><FONT color=red>Risk assessment</FONT><BR>With the number of high-profile failures last year it might have been easy to forget more longer-running drug safety issues. But the Vioxx (rofecoxib) situation still rumbles on. Merck was forced to retract the lynchpin of its legal strategy; that studies showed that the cardiovascular risk only emerges after patients have taken the drug for 18 months. The New England Journal of Medicine, which published the trial that led to Vioxx's withdrawal, removed the 18-month statement in a published correction. Post hoc analyses of the incidence curves used for the treatment and placebo groups are misleading and should not have been used, according to the journal, and a hypothetical analysis of cumulative incidence curves shows no support for the 18-month risk statement. The retraction could undermine confidence in Merck's handling of the data, but so far this doesn't seem to have upset Merck's strategy of trying each of the thousands of lawsuits on their own. Of the eleven cases so far, Merck has won six. The company has lost one out of four federal cases, three in state district courts, and a judge has called for a retrial of a case that was originally in Merck's favour.<BR>The long-awaited Institute of Medicine's report, commissioned by the FDA to assess the US post-approval drug safety system in light of Vioxx's withdrawal, concluded that the system is outdated, inefficient and under-resourced. Twenty-five recommendations are listed in the report, among them for Congress to give the FDA more staff, funding and powers (such as being able to mandate post-approval studies); registration of clinical trial results to provide better access to drug safety information; and a fixed 6-year term for the FDA Commissioner, so that he or she will not be affected by changes in the political climate.<BR><BR><FONT color=red>Heated battles</FONT><BR>2006 was notable for a number of high profile failures in late-stage trials.<BR>Safety issues haven't been the only headache for bigger companies. The battle between brand and generic drug companies is becoming more fevered, reflecting just how much revenue is at stake.<BR>The Canadian generics company Apotex started selling its version of Plavix in August after a deal to settle a patent dispute with Sanofi–Aventis and BMS fell apart. A deal was cut in March, in which Apotex agreed to wait until the patent on the branded drug expired in 2011. In return Apotex would get paid by Sanofi–Aventis and BMS and also received a guarantee that it would not be undercut. But when regulators delayed this settlement in August, Apotex stunned the market by launching its generic Plavix. Apotex executed a clause in its agreement that stated that if the deal did not go through, the generics company could start selling its generic version with 5 days' notice. Embarrassed by being outmanoeuvered by Apotex, BMS fired its Chief Executive Peter Dolan (Box 2). A preliminary injunction by a federal district court judge at the end of August blocked Apotex from selling generic versions of the anticoagulant, and a federal appeals court upheld the injunction last month. But the damage had already been done. The injunction did not require Apotex to recall any drug that it had already sold, and it is thought that Apotex shipped out around 6–8 months' supply of its generic treatment.<BR>Box 2 | An annus horribilis<BR> · Full box <BR>Confronted by increasing pressure from generics companies, some big companies began to bite back. Desperate to counteract the revenue losses on big-selling drugs whose patents had expired last year, branded companies took the controversial step of licensing out their own drugs to a generic company during the period of market exclusivity, producing what are known as authorized generics. For instance, AstraZeneca signed a deal with Par Pharmaceuticals to sell a generic version of its third-best-selling treatment Toprol (metoprolol succinate), which will grab some revenue share from a rival generic version being produced by Eon Labs. Other companies are making their own generics; for instance, Pfizer reactivated its generic subsidiary Greenstone, and over the summer launched its own generic version of Zoloft (sertraline) for depression. With the patent expiring on its best-selling drug Zocor (simvastatin), Merck took even more aggressive action. Merck struck a deal with several US health insurance companies to place its brand version of Zocor in the cheapest tier of their three-tier list of drugs, but the generic version was placed in the most expensive tier.<BR><BR><FONT color=red> atently obvious?</FONT><BR>It was also a year in which the very essence of what is patentable was called into question. Pharmaceutical companies looked on nervously as cases in the technology industry over so-called 'patent trolls' — companies that invest in patents with the sole purpose of seeking out and suing infringers — were being played out in court. At the same time, two drug companies began a landmark case over a patent that covers a biological pathway. Ariad had licensed a patent from Harvard, MIT and the Whitehead Institute that covers the use of NF-KB activity. Ariad then sued Lilly because two drugs — Xigris (activated protein C) and Evista (raloxifene) — modulate the NF-KB pathway, and therefore infringed the '516 patent. Critics were furious, saying that placing broad patents on pathways hinders innovation. A district court disagreed, and awarded the plaintiffs around US$65 million in back royalties and a 2.3% royalty on future US sales of Evista and Xigris until the patents' expiration in 2019. However, the US Patent and Trademark Office re-examined the patent and dismissed the majority of the claims, including those involved in the ruling against Lilly. The patent office said that the functional language used in many of the claims is overbroad, and many of the claims are anticipated by prior art, some from such wild and wonderful sources as the Bible and the studies of the benefits of red wine.<BR><BR><FONT color=red>Growth pills</FONT><BR>With companies facing pressure from all sides, it's no surprise that thoughts are once again turning to mergers and acquisitions as a way of filling pipeline gaps and trimming costs to preserve growth. The year started with a domestic battle in Germany between the industry's oldest companies. Merck KGaA made an unsolicited offer for Schering AG, but this was eventually trumped by a friendly takeover bid of $21.56 billion from Bayer. Merck KGaA responded by buying the Swiss biotech Serono for $13.3 billion.<BR>Several companies made acquisitions worth over a billion dollars in 2006 (see online Box 1). Even biotechnology companies got involved. Genentech made its first acquisition in its 30-year history when it bought Tanox, and Genzyme made the rare move in the biotech world of making a hostile takeover of the Canadian company AnorMED. More deals for outright acquisitions were being made at higher prices than usual. For instance, Merck paid over a 100% premium to the pre-announcement share price for the RNA interference company Sirna.<BR>The major question is whether this activity will spark off another round of mergers between the big companies (see Box 3). Rumours have been growing that BMS and AstraZeneca could both be the target of other large companies. Jean-Pierre Garnier, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, added fuel to the flames when he said in an interview in Magasin Manager earlier this year that "[o]f the 15 pharma companies that have a significant role in the world, only a handful will remain." But many analysts do not believe that these mega-mergers have succeeded in their quest either to improve shareholder value or to produce economies of scale. Sales and marketing might be scalable, but a company stands or falls on its pipeline, and so far there is no evidence that R&amp;D has benefited from the mega-mergers. In fact, many analysts say that much of the trouble that the industry finds itself in could be precisely because of the last mega-merger wave. If 2006 was a pivotal year in establishing and defining the problems that companies face over the coming years, what is clear is that 2007 could be the year that decides the future direction of the industry.查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
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