求09~11一级建造师考试题? 今年参加一级建造师机电专业 求09年 10年 和11年的考试原题,谁手头有资料了共享下 ,不胜感激涕零查看更多 4个回答 . 2人已关注
运动鞋的鞋面材质是什么? 运动鞋鞋底的高分子材质有:EVA、PU、橡胶(天然与人工)及其它(如 碳纤维 、PVC)。 那么鞋面材质呢? 这好像是很容易忽视的问题。 论坛高人谈谈看法!谢谢查看更多 8个回答 . 1人已关注
羧酸酯水解? 羧酸酯 水解除了用强酸、强碱和羧酸酯水解酶催化,还有没有别的物质能用作 催化剂 ,最好是中性的。或是还有没有别的中性物质通过加热反应生酸的。 请大家帮帮忙,谢谢! 查看更多 3个回答 . 1人已关注
在定义氨气时时出错,这是什么原因造成的? 在定义材料时,总是出现 Creation of component NH3 in database failed查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
新鲜气放空? 一般的净化那边就有一个开车放空,有没有必要在合成进口也加一个大的自动放空?我以前单位两边都有,低甲导气后放空就放到合成进去去,置换很快。如果不设计,净化到合成界区中间这部分管道中的气只能通过小手动放空过来弄,比较慢。另外会不会造成合成紧急切气的换后系统反应比较慢?查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
液化天然气泵的材质选择? 我们代理的美国的一家 低温泵 ,可用于夜氧、氮、氩和LNG,泵的蜗壳一直都是用的铜合金,现在我们一个客户提出来,《液化天然气的一般特性》里有提到天然气不推荐使用铜及其合金,一般使用 不锈钢 。 所以我想大家讨论下蜗壳用铜合金和不锈钢各有什么优缺点? 查看更多 3个回答 . 3人已关注
沿海土建施工,生锈的钢筋需要除锈后再浇筑混凝土吗? 沿海土建施工,钢筋进场以后制作破坏 氧化皮 ,等 待安 装时间较长,安装的钢筋都锈蚀了,钢筋需要除锈后再浇筑混凝土,还是可以直接浇筑查看更多 9个回答 . 2人已关注
如何判断酰氯水解完全? 棕榈 酰 氯水 解,产物:上层 棕榈酸 白色,下层水层透明。怎么判断反应完全,酰氯已全部被反应掉(具体的步骤)?酰氯与水的配比大概在多少?查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
304许用应力? 150上各材料的许用应力第一列是≤20度的,是不是我设计温度为-40的时候的许用应力也按≤20度来查啊?或者有没有哪些标准有具体值的规定啊?求教查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
各位,请问,煤化过程中的净化操作有没有危险? 各位,请问,煤化过程中的净化操作有没有危险? 谢谢,请给答案……查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
炼油厂桶每天,和××万吨怎么换算? 如题,看外文资料常说炼油厂加工都是 bbl/d,我们常说××万吨炼油厂,两者之间怎么换算的? 查看更多 7个回答 . 5人已关注
柴油含氯对加氢催化剂的危害与脱除? 柴油 加氢反应前有什么方法可以脱除原料柴油中的氯,有必要吗?含氯高对 催化剂 伤害多大? 查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
半管夹套换热器的传热系数和普通换热器差别大吗? 最近接触了不少半管夹套和普通夹套,他们和普通 管壳式换热器 相比,传热系数如何?另外,对于结垢的抵抗能力如何呢?查看更多 4个回答 . 3人已关注
催化装置酸性水中铁离子含量? 催化装置酸性水中铁离子含量应该不大于千分之五吗? 查看更多 4个回答 . 2人已关注
工程新闻记录2008前400强合同商(工程公司)? The Top 400 Contractors for 2008 Rank Firm 中文名 2008 2007 1 1 Bechtel, San Francisco, Calif.† 柏克德 2 2 Fluor Corp., Irving, Texas† 福禄丹尼尔 3 3 The Turner Corp., New York, N.Y.† 4 4 KBR, Houston, Texas† 凯洛格 5 7 Kiewit Corp., Omaha, Neb.† 6 5 Skanska USA Inc., Whitestone, N.Y.† 斯堪斯卡 7 6 Bovis Lend Lease, New York, N.Y.† 8 8 PCL Construction Enterprises Inc., Denver, Colo.† 9 15 Perini Corp., Framingham, Mass.† 10 9 Jacobs, Pasadena, Calif. 11 14 McDermott International Inc., Houston, Texas† 12 13 CB&I, The Woodlands, Texas† 13 12 Clark Group, Bethesda, Md.† 14 11 The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., Baltimore, Md. 15 18 The Walsh Group Ltd., Chicago, Ill.† 16 26 Foster Wheeler Ltd., Clinton, N.J.† 福斯特惠勒 17 19 Structure Tone, New York, N.Y.† 18 370 URS Corp., San Francisco, Calif.† 19 20 Gilbane Building Co., Providence, R.I. 20 22 McCarthy Holdings Inc., St. Louis, Mo.† 21 17 Granite Construction Inc., Watsonville, Calif.† 22 21 JE Dunn Construction Group, Kansas City, Mo.† 23 10 The Shaw Group Inc., Baton Rouge, La.† 24 24 Hensel Phelps Construction Co., Greeley, Colo. 25 25 Balfour Beatty Construction, Dallas, Texas† 26 33 Zachry Group, San Antonio, Texas† 27 38 M.A. Mortenson Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 28 31 TIC Holdings Inc., Steamboat Springs, Colo.† 29 44 Black & Veatch, Overland Park, Kan. 30 48 Fagen Inc., Granite Falls, Minn. 31 29 Webcor Builders, San Mateo, Calif. 32 28 Brasfield & Gorrie LLC, Birmingham, Ala. 33 27 Hunt Construction Group Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz. 34 30 Swinerton Inc., San Francisco, Calif.† 35 23 The Yates Cos. Inc., Philadelphia, Miss.† 36 32 Opus Group, Minnetonka, Minn.† 37 64 Tutor-Saliba Corp., Sylmar, Calif.† 38 40 Austin Industries, Dallas, Texas† 39 45 BE&K Inc., Birmingham, Ala.† 40 37 The Weitz Co. LLC, Des Moines, Iowa† 41 36 Turner Industries Group LLC, Baton Rouge, La.† 42 35 DPR Construction Inc., Redwood City, Calif. 43 39 Barton Malow Co., Southfield, Mich.† 44 42 CH2M HILL, Englewood, Colo.† 45 54 Pepper Construction Group, Chicago, Ill.† 46 41 Parsons, Pasadena, Calif.† 47 57 Holder Construction Co., Atlanta, Ga. 48 46 Manhattan Construction Co., Tulsa, Okla.† 49 43 Suffolk Construction Co. Inc., Boston, Mass. 50 34 Hoffman Corp., Portland, Ore. 51 55 Alberici Corp., St. Louis, Mo.† 52 50 Duke Construction, Indianapolis, Ind. 53 62 The Flintco Cos. Inc., Tulsa, Okla.† 54 63 Ryan Cos. US Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. 55 47 The Lane Construction Corp., Cheshire, Conn.† 56 51 Walbridge Aldinger, Detroit, Mich.† 57 52 AMEC, Atlanta, Ga.† 58 49 Day & Zimmermann, Philadelphia, Pa.† 59 59 EMJ Corp., Chattanooga, Tenn.† 60 53 ValleyCrest Cos., Calabasas, Calif.† 61 75 Robins & Morton, Birmingham, Ala. 62 65 Sundt Construction Inc., Tempe, Ariz.† 63 69 HITT Contracting Inc., Fairfax, Va. 64 93 Michels Corp., Brownsville, Wis.† 65 67 The Howard S. Wright Cos., Seattle, Wash.† 66 80 Clayco Inc., St. Louis, Mo.† 67 88 Shawmut Design and Construction, Boston, Mass. 68 56 Hardin Construction Co. LLC, Atlanta, Ga. 69 95 Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction, San Francisco, Calif. 70 66 Kraus-Anderson Construction Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 71 ** Willbros Group Inc., Houston, Texas† 72 73 James G. Davis Construction Corp., Rockville, Md. 73 71 Layne Christensen Co., Mission Woods, Kan.† 74 72 Adolfson & Peterson Construction, Minneapolis, Minn. 75 102 L.F. Driscoll Co., Bala Cynwyd, Pa. 76 99 Devcon Construction Inc., Milpitas, Calif. 77 58 The Beck Group, Dallas, Texas† 78 70 The Kokosing Group, Fredericktown, Ohio† 79 82 Flatiron Construction Corp., Longmont, Colo.† 80 91 The Layton Cos., Sandy, Utah† 81 79 Choate Construction Co., Atlanta, Ga. 82 115 David E. Harvey Builders Inc., Houston, Texas 83 81 The Haskell Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 84 83 VCC, Little Rock, Ark. 85 98 The Boldt Co., Appleton, Wis. 86 90 Okland Construction Co. Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah† 87 152 Hunt Building Co. Ltd., El Paso, Texas 88 111 James McHugh Construction Co., Chicago, Ill. 89 85 Dick Construction Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.† 90 61 Walton Construction Co. LLC, Kansas City, Mo.† 91 119 Graycor, Homewood, Ill.† 92 92 Messer Construction, Cincinnati, Ohio 93 78 Panattoni Construction Inc., Sacramento, Calif. 94 74 Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Inc., Atlanta, Ga.† 95 107 Moss & Associates LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 96 96 Hawaiian Dredging Construction Co., Honolulu, Hawaii 97 108 Matrix Service Co., Tulsa, Okla.† 98 103 Ames Construction Inc., Burnsville, Minn. 99 84 Kitchell Corp., Phoenix, Ariz.† 100 155 William A. Berry & Son Inc., Danvers, Mass. 101 76 Fru-Con Construction Corp., St. Louis, Mo.† 102 140 The McShane Cos., Rosemont, Ill.† 103 163 The Penta Building Group, Las Vegas, Nev. 104 106 Primoris Corp., Lake Forest, Calif.† 105 136 CDI Contractors LLC, Little Rock, Ark. 106 109 Clancy & Theys Construction Co., Raleigh, N.C. 107 157 Performance Contractors Inc., Baton Rouge, La. 108 104 Power Construction Co. LLC, Schaumburg, Ill.† 109 100 Stellar, Jacksonville, Fla. 110 77 Kraft Construction Co. Inc., Naples, Fla. 111 150 C.W. Driver, Pasadena, Calif. 112 112 O’Neil Industries Inc., Chicago, Ill.† 113 205 E.E. Reed Construction LP, Sugar Land, Texas† 114 161 S.D. Deacon Corp., Citrus Heights, Calif.† 115 146 Big-D Construction Corp., Salt Lake City, Utah† 116 94 CORE Construction Group, Morton, Ill.† 117 89 Insituform Technologies Inc., Chesterfield, Mo.† 118 117 Barnhart Inc., San Diego, Calif. 119 170 Hoar Construction LLC, Birmingham, Ala. 120 132 Gray Construction, Lexington, Ky.† 121 182 Lease Crutcher Lewis, Seattle, Wash. 122 110 Weeks Marine Inc., Cranford, N.J.† 123 142 F.A. Wilhelm Construction Co. Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.† 124 105 McGough Construction, St. Paul, Minn.† 125 122 Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, Mo. 126 113 Pizzagalli Construction Co., S. Burlington, Vt. 127 141 LeChase Construction Services LLC, Rochester, N.Y. 128 135 Dimeo Construction Co., Providence, R.I.† 129 177 CCC Group Inc., San Antonio, Texas 130 165 Martin-Harris Construction, Las Vegas, Nev.† 131 147 Anderson Columbia Co. Inc., Lake City, Fla.† 132 125 Earth Tech Inc., Long Beach, Calif. 133 126 P.J. Dick-Trumbull-Lindy, West Miflin, Pa.† 134 97 Williams Brothers Construction Co., Houston, Texas 135 284 OHL USA Inc., Davie, Fla.† 136 173 Sellen Construction Co. Inc., Seattle, Wash. 137 159 American Bridge Co., Coraopolis, Pa.† 138 60 Roy Anderson Holding Corp., Gulfport, Miss.† 139 118 Angelo Iafrate Cos., Warren, Mich.† 140 116 Kenny Construction, Northbrook, Ill.† 141 114 The Hubbard Group, Winter Park, Fla.† 142 169 LPCiminelli Inc., Buffalo, N.Y.† 143 180 The Facility Group, Smyrna, Ga.† 144 187 The Hanover Co., Houston, Texas 145 139 Crossland Construction Co., Columbus, Kan.† 146 156 Rodgers Builders Inc., Charlotte, N.C.† 147 264 S&B Holdings Ltd. and Affiliates, Houston, Texas† 148 307 Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Co., Tulsa, Okla. 149 123 Weis Builders Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. 150 120 Batson-Cook Co., West Point, Ga. 151 68 Teichert Construction, Sacramento, Calif. 152 134 Miron Construction Co. Inc., Neenah, Wis. 153 233 The Cianbro Cos., Pittsfield, Maine† 154 145 Coastal Construction Group, Miami, Fla.† 155 137 Bernards, San Fernando, Calif. 156 124 Barnhill Contracting Co., Tarboro, N.C. 157 175 O & G Industries Inc., Torrington, Conn. 158 160 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp. LLC, Oak Brook, Ill.† 159 86 Chanen Construction Co. Inc., Phoenix, Ariz. 160 164 Kinsley Construction Inc., York, Pa.† 161 151 Nabholz Construction Corp., Conway, Ark. 162 189 GE Johnson Construction Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. 163 129 B.L. Harbert International LLC, Birmingham, Ala. 164 149 The Christman Co., Lansing, Mich.† 165 158 Vecellio Group Inc., West Palm Beach, Fla.† 166 127 Boh Bros. Construction Co. LLC, New Orleans, La. 167 131 American Infrastructure, Worcester, Pa.† 168 143 S.M. Wilson & Co., St. Louis, Mo. 169 121 HRH Construction LLC, White Plains, N.Y. 170 101 ASRC Energy Services, Anchorage, Alaska† 171 87 Lauth Construction Group LLC, Indianapolis, Ind. 172 308 Stacy and Witbeck Inc., Alameda, Calif. 173 130 Torcon Inc., Red Bank, N.J. 174 138 H & M Co. Inc., Jackson, Tenn.† 175 144 Jacobsen Construction Co. Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah† 176 261 Heery International Inc., Atlanta, Ga.† 177 198 Barr & Barr Inc., New York, N.Y.† 178 128 The BETTE Cos., Latham, N.Y.† 179 202 Lee Lewis Construction Inc., Lubbock, Texas† 180 153 D.L. Withers Construction, Phoenix, Ariz. 181 162 W. M. Jordan Co., Newport News, Va.† 182 200 Bayley Construction, Mercer Island, Wash. 183 223 New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., New Enterprise, Pa.† 184 323 Linbeck, Houston, Texas 185 283 Key Construction Inc., Wichita, Kan. 186 218 Andersen Construction Co., Portland, Ore. 187 179 Rieth-Riley Construction Co. Inc., Goshen, Ind. 188 256 Snyder Langston, Irvine, Calif.† 189 222 Joseph Jingoli & Son Inc., Lawrenceville, N.J.† 190 239 Bartlett Cocke Gen. Contractors, San Antonio, Texas 191 246 Cives Steel Co., Roswell, Ga. 192 178 S.J. Amoroso Construction Co., Redwood Shores, Calif. 193 171 Industrial Contractors Inc., Evansville, Ind.† 194 232 Herzog Contracting Corp., St. Joseph, Mo.† 195 227 Rockford Construction Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 196 176 T.N. Ward Co., Ardmore, Pa. 197 192 Garney Holding Co., Kansas City, Mo.† 198 199 Stiles Construction Co., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 199 168 Caddell Construction Co. Inc., Montgomery, Ala. 200 249 Saunders Construction Inc., Centennial, Colo. 201 181 The Jaynes Cos., Albuquerque, N.M.† 202 263 Lydig Construction Inc., Spokane, Wash. 203 194 Oltmans Construction Co., Whittier, Calif. 204 330 Walsh Brothers Inc., Boston, Mass. 205 193 SpawGlass Holding LP, Selma, Texas† 206 231 Manson Construction Co., Seattle, Wash.† 207 325 Integrated Service Co. LLC, Tulsa, Okla.† 208 219 Shelco Inc., Charlotte, N.C. 209 188 BBL Construction Services LLC, Albany, N.Y.† 210 235 John S. Clark Co. LLC, Mount Airy, N.C.† 211 208 Pirtle Construction Co., Davie, Fla. 212 271 Jordan Construction, El Paso, Texas† 213 195 The Rudolph/Libbe Cos. Inc., Walbridge, Ohio† 214 197 Knutson Construction Services, Minneapolis, Minn.† 215 209 ROEL Construction Co., San Diego, Calif. 216 240 MWH Global, Broomfield, Colo.† 217 292 Weston Solutions Inc., West Chester, Pa.† 218 172 Butz Enterprises Inc., Allentown, Pa.† 219 ** Global Performance, Greenville, S.C.† 220 154 Contrack International Inc., Arlington, Va. 221 210 M.B. Kahn Construction Co. Inc., Columbia, S.C. 222 174 Konover Construction Corp., Farmington, Conn. 223 214 Morley Builders, Santa Monica, Calif.† 224 228 INTECH Construction Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. 225 244 Lusardi Construction Co., San Marcos, Calif. 226 ** Keating Building Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. 227 221 Roebbelen, El Dorado Hills, Calif.† 228 186 Catalfumo, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.† 229 185 The Conti Group, South Plainfield, N.J.† 230 243 FTR International Inc., Irvine, Calif. 231 190 Lunda Construction Co., Black River Falls, Wis. 232 285 Absher Construction Co., Puyallup, Wash. 233 237 Engineered Structures Inc., Boise, Idaho 234 242 Clyde Cos., Orem, Utah† 235 148 Matt Construction Corp., Santa Fe Springs, Calif.† 236 196 J. Fletcher Creamer & Son Inc., Hackensack, N.J.† 237 280 Mascaro Construction Co. LP, Pittsburgh, Pa.† 238 318 Marshall Erdman & Associates, Madison, Wis. 239 216 Ray Bell Construction Co. Inc., Brentwood, Tenn.† 240 255 Sterling Construction Co. Inc., Houston, Texas† 241 167 Gotham Construction Co. LLC, New York, N.Y.† 242 254 J.H. Findorff & Son Inc., Madison, Wis. 243 226 The Conlan Co., Marietta, Ga. 244 266 James R. Vannoy & Sons Construction, Jefferson, N.C. 245 300 The Lauren Corp., Abilene, Texas† 246 229 The Branch Group Inc., Roanoke, Va.† 247 184 Q & D Construction Inc., Sparks, Nev.† 248 299 Hill & Wilkinson Ltd., Plano, Texas 249 241 The Pike Co. Inc., Rochester, N.Y. 250 278 Tellepsen, Houston, Texas† 251 250 Wharton-Smith Inc., Lake Monroe, Fla.† 252 313 Klinger Cos. Inc., Sioux City, Iowa† 253 321 White-Spunner Construction Inc., Mobile, Ala. 254 213 Granger Construction Co., Lansing, Mich. 255 201 WELBRO Building Corp., Maitland, Fla.† 256 212 Fred Weber Inc., Maryland Heights, Mo. 257 220 Donohoe Construction Co., Washington, D.C.† 258 217 Leopardo Construction, Hoffman Estates, Ill. 259 282 Coakley & Williams Construction, Gaithersburg, Md. 260 257 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc., Anaheim, Calif. 261 279 FCI Constructors Inc., Grand Junction, Colo. 262 335 CG Schmidt Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.† 263 248 H.J. Russell & Co., Atlanta, Ga. 264 277 Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Houston, Texas 265 ** Marnell Corrao Assoc., Las Vegas, Nev.† 266 295 The Korte Co., Highland, Ill. 267 311 Forrester Construction Co., Rockville, Md. 268 245 Grunley Construction Co. Inc., Rockville, Md. 269 315 Barnard Construction Co. Inc., Bozeman, Mont.† 270 166 CSI Construction Co. Inc., Colorado Springs, Colo.† 271 269 Sevenson Environmental Services, Niagara Falls, N.Y.† 272 253 Sletten Cos., Great Falls, Mont.† 273 326 C. Overaa & Co., Richmond, Calif. 274 247 R&O Construction, Ogden, Utah 275 273 Oscar Renda Contracting Inc., Roanoke, Texas† 276 204 The Walsh Group, Portland, Ore.† 277 251 Cardi Corp., Warwick, R.I. 278 225 Haselden Construction LLC, Centennial, Colo. 279 258 Harkins Builders Inc., Marriottsville, Md. 280 260 J.P. Cullen & Sons Inc., Janesville, Wis. 281 ** The Norwood Co., Malvern, Pa. 282 267 FNF Construction Inc., Tempe, Ariz. 283 302 Judlau Contracting, College Point, N.Y.† 284 203 Paric Corp., O’Fallon, Mo. 285 298 Consigli Construction Co. Inc., Milford, Mass. 286 207 Rockford Blacktop Construction, Loves Park, Ill.† 287 234 Traylor Bros. Inc., Evansville, Ind.† 288 238 Henegan Construction Co. Inc., New York, N.Y. 289 364 W.G. Mills Inc., Sarasota, Fla. 290 183 Brice Building Co. Inc., Birmingham, Ala. 291 268 Harper Industries Inc., Paducah, Ky.† 292 297 CDM, Cambridge, Mass.† 293 281 Shaw Construction, Denver, Colo.† 294 314 Bulley & Andrews LLC, Chicago, Ill.† 295 ** W.L. Butler Construction Inc., Redwood City, Calif. 296 275 Danis Building Construction Co., Miamisburg, Ohio 297 345 J.D. Abrams LP, Austin, Texas 298 296 Roncelli Inc., Sterling Heights, Mich. 299 304 M.A. Angeliades Inc., Long Island City, N.Y. 300 329 Superior Construction Co. Inc., Gary, Ind. 301 310 Fusco Corp., New Haven, Conn. 302 353 Shiel **ton Co. Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. 303 270 Elkins Constructors Inc., Jacksonville, Fla. 304 288 C.D. Smith Construction, Fond du Lac, Wis. 305 352 Owen-Ames-Kimball Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.† 306 361 Bowen Engineering Corp., Indianapolis, Ind. 307 211 The Hagerman Group, Fort Wayne, Ind.† 308 274 Cajun Industries LLC, Baton Rouge, La. 309 381 Garco Construction Inc., Spokane, Wash.† 310 291 Lyles Construction Group, Fresno, Calif.† 311 343 SEMA Construction Inc., Centennial, Colo. 312 309 Hawkins Construction Co., Omaha, Neb. 313 265 Venture Construction Co., Norcross, Ga. 314 191 Clarkson Construction Co., Kansas City, Mo.† 315 294 Summit Builders, Phoenix, Ariz. 316 305 River City Construction LLC, E. Peoria, Ill. 317 272 Frederick Quinn Corp., Addison, Ill. 318 ** Albert C. Kobayashi Inc., Waipahu, Hawaii 319 287 Armada Hoffler Construction Co., Virginia Beach, Va. 320 317 Reno Contracting Inc., San Diego, Calif. 321 252 J.J. White Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.† 322 276 IHC Construction Cos. LLC, Elgin, Ill.† 323 ** Aristeo Construction Co., Livonia, Mich.† 324 349 Brinkmann Constructors, Chesterfield, Mo.† 325 ** TEPSCO LP, Deer Park, Texas 326 338 Plant Construction Co. LP, San Francisco, Calif. 327 206 GH Phipps Construction, Greenwood Village, Colo. 328 ** William A. Randolph Inc., Gurnee, Ill. 329 341 Orion Marine Group Inc., Houston, Texas† 330 344 BMWC Group Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.† 331 ** Cox & Schepp Construction Inc., Charlotte, N.C. 332 363 Haydon Building Corp., Phoenix, Ariz. 333 328 CR Meyer, Oshkosh, Wis. 334 301 J.F. White Contracting Co., Framingham, Mass.† 335 396 Doster Construction Co., Birmingham, Ala. 336 331 HK Systems Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.† 337 337 Commercial Contracting Corp., Auburn Hills, Mich.† 338 368 Elkhorn Holdings, Evanston, Wyo.† 339 348 Catamount Constructors Inc., Evergreen, Colo. 340 339 Worth Construction Co. Inc., Bethel, Conn. 341 388 The Dietze Construction Group Inc., Ashburn, Va. 342 306 Crowder Construction Co., Charlotte, N.C. 343 359 Winter Park Construction Co., Maitland, Fla. 344 346 Rentenbach Constructors Inc., Knoxville, Tenn. 345 ** Wanzek Construction Inc., Fargo, N.D. 346 ** Berglund Construction, Chicago, Ill. 347 ** EDiS Construction Managers, Wilmington, Del. 348 236 Sukut Construction Inc., Santa Ana, Calif. 349 ** Moorefield Construction Inc., Santa Ana, Calif. 350 365 Continental Building Systems, Columbus, Ohio 351 374 Clark Construction, Lansing, Mich. 352 ** Ajax Building Corp., Midway, Fla. 353 347 Clark & Sullivan Construction, Sparks, Nev.† 354 354 XL Construction Corp., Milpitas, Calif. 355 ** Aurora Contractors Inc., Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 356 372 Brinderson, Costa Mesa, Calif. 357 320 Struever Bros. Eccles & Rouse Inc., Baltimore, Md. 358 358 Pioneer General Contractors, Grand Rapids, Mich.† 359 391 Jones Lang LaSalle Construction LP, Chicago, Ill. 360 379 McCormick Inc. & Subsidiaries, Fargo, N.D.† 361 262 Soltek Pacific Construction Co., San Diego, Calif. 362 332 Rogers-O’Brien Construction, Dallas, Texas 363 324 Malphrus Construction Co., Hilton Head Island, S.C. 364 290 E.W. Howell Co. Inc., Woodbury, N.Y. 365 375 Shimmick Construction Co. Inc., Hayward, Calif.† 366 ** Gemma Power Systems, Glastonbury, Conn. 367 ** KPRS Construction Services Inc., Brea, Calif. 368 ** Davis Constructors & Engineers Inc., Anchorage, Alaska 369 286 Frehner Construction Co. Inc., North Las Vegas, Nev. 370 333 T.A. Loving Co., Goldsboro, N.C. 371 322 Novak Construction Co., Chicago, Ill. 372 389 Terminal Construction Corp., Wood-Ridge, N.J. 373 ** AZCO INC., Appleton, Wis. 374 ** RMT Inc., Madison, Wis.† 375 334 Tri-North Builders Inc., Madison, Wis.† 376 397 Interstate Highway Construction, Englewood, Colo. 377 360 TLT Construction Corp., Wakefield, Mass. 378 351 Wespac Construction, Phoenix, Ariz. 379 380 Williams Co., Orlando, Fla. 380 ** MCM Construction Inc., North Highlands, Calif. 381 ** Quandel Enterprises Inc., Harrisburg, Pa.† 382 340 Kbs Inc., Richmond, Va. 383 384 Paradigm Construction Co., Arlington, Va.† 384 357 Shook National Corp., Dayton, Ohio† 385 215 Hunter Roberts, New York, N.Y. † 386 316 The Killian Group, Springfield, Mo.† 387 ** Cahill Contractors Inc., San Francisco, Calif. 388 ** W.S. Bellows Construction Corp., Houston, Texas 389 369 March Associates Construction Inc., Wayne, N.J. 390 336 Roche Constructors Inc., Greeley, Colo. 391 ** The Ruhlin Co., Sharon Center, Ohio 392 ** Hall Building Corp., Farmingdale, N.J. 393 ** American Constructors, Austin, Texas 394 ** Dematteis Organizations, Elmont, N.Y. 395 378 Imc Construction, Malvern, Pa. 396 ** Corman Construction Inc., Annapolis Junction, Md.† 397 327 Fcl Builders, Itasca, Ill. 398 ** The Middle** Cos., Littleton, Mass. 399 ** Stevens Painton Corp., Middleburg Hts., Ohio† 400 ** R.S. Mowery & Sons Inc., Mechanicsburg, Pa [ ]查看更多 9个回答 . 3人已关注
关于仪表的SV PV MV 之间的关系? 关于仪表的SV PV MV 之间的关系是怎样相互调节的 ?查看更多 5个回答 . 1人已关注
变频电机的变频范围是多少? 变频电机的变频范围是多少,使用 变频器 变频普通电机和变频变频电机时有什么不同查看更多 15个回答 . 1人已关注
散堆填料的驼峰支撑问题? 有没有见过 驼峰支承 板的,请问 散堆填料 的驼峰支承板上的孔是均布的吗?在峰顶上有没有孔呢?标准上对于开孔这部分介绍的很粗略。查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
全混流模拟和平推流都出现质量不守恒,让查看计量系数, ...? Block: B2 Model: RCSTR ** ERROR M-BAL LOOP DID NOT CONVERGE IN 50 ITERATIONS. CHECK STOICHIOMETRY/MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. ** ERROR BLOCK B2 IS NOT IN MASS BALANCE: MASS INLET FLOW = 0.25181055E+02, MASS OUTLET FLOW = 0.20237619E+03 RELATIVE DIFFERENCE = 0.70368431E+01 全混流模拟和平推流都出现质量不守恒,让查看计量系数,可应该没有问题的啊,哪边出错了,求解查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
设计管道喘振系统。? 就是希望管道系统能如期发生振动,只要打开阀门或者其他调控装置。是变害为利的一种设备。 大家有什么建议。 查看更多 6个回答 . 1人已关注
职业:山东齐鲁石化建设有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:郑州轻工业学院 - 材料与化学工程学院
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