cif出现B类和C类错误如何解释?这需要你重新填写cif: PLAT093_ALERT_1_B No su’s on H-atoms, but refinement reported as . mixed 这条警告是按照你填写的加氢方式为混合加氢,而没有列出氢原子的相关偏差。 PLAT601_ALERT_2_B Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 198 A**3 这条警告可能你的结构存在孔道,所以存在很多无序的残峰,使用platon可消除 ABSTY03_ALERT_1_C The _exptl_absorpt_correction_type has been given as none. However values have been given for Tmin and Tmax. Remove these if an absorption correction has not been applied. From the CIF: _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.826 From the CIF: _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.886 这条警告说明你没有填写吸收校正类型 其余部分自行精修查看更多