用膜能将丙醛和丙酮分开吗? 请教大家:用膜能将 丙酮 和 丙醛 分开吗?二者都是 羰基化合物 ,性质相近,沸点相差只有8度,用精馏的方法很难分开,用膜能将二者分开吗?如果能,用什么膜?查看更多 3个回答 . 1人已关注
中望CAD2011完美版补丁? 软件名称:中望CAD2011完美版补丁 软件版本:2011 软件大小:177MB 特别感谢:bbs.winzheng.com论坛的binliao朋友 提供部分文件 使用方法: 1.将db.dll和lpk.dll拷贝到中望CAD2011专业版安装目录; 2.启动中望CAD2011专业版; 3.帮助-授权与注册-硬件锁注册-把使用硬件锁获得授权勾上,不再显示试用且能打印; 中望CAD2011已经完美CK,中望机械2011是官方原版. 中望CAD2011已经完美CK:经最终 测试 ,单独运行中望CAD2011,打印 无水 印,无显示试用,无时间限制; 中望机械2011是官方原版未CK:运行中望机械2011,打印有水印,显示试用,无时间限制。 文件: C:\Program Files\ZWCAD 2011 Chs\ZWCAD.EXE 大小: 11709952 字节 修改时间: 2010年11月29日 星期一, 16:53:22 MD5: 10E88510DBDC713D9E172BAB83EE524B SHA1: 271F6551C6D3FAB967B1DD7006B7E418149163BF CRC32: F2A76F8C 查看更多 11个回答 . 5人已关注
污水汽提装置是塔盘数量越多也好还是? 污水汽提装置是塔盘数量越多也好还是?查看更多 5个回答 . 4人已关注
有没有做过或者了解变压吸附分离的设备选型的指导一下吧? 如题,现在做 变压吸附 分离的设备设计,但是无从下手, 谁知道有什么资料可以参考一下呢?求推荐~ 查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
为何甲烷塔触媒升温还原时,甲醇塔触媒会飞温? 我厂合成系统双甲岗位的流程是 压缩机 六段出口气先经过甲醇化,再过 甲烷化 。(流程图略)请熟悉此岗位的人士回答! 某日 甲烷 触媒先升温还原,等甲烷触媒还原好后再还原甲醇触媒。 3 : 20 系统充压到 7.2Mpa 试压试漏, 3 : 40 开 2# 循环机打甲烷小循环,推甲烷电炉升温,整个早班甲烷温度一直较平稳,直到中( 3 )班 9 : 00 左右才发现甲醇触媒温度普遍涨到了 200 ℃ 左右,而且还在上涨,立即开循环机压温,甲醇触媒温度第二点、 3 点涨到了 400 ℃,醇分排出大量的水。 事故的直接原因:尚不明确,但是可以排除带甲醇电炉升温的可能性。 查看更多 9个回答 . 2人已关注
关于二甲醚压缩机? 请问一下各位:有满足这种工况的 压缩机 吗? 工况:吸入压力~3.0mpa,温度240摄氏度,排气压力3.5mpa,排气量2立方/min,工作介质 二甲醚 查看更多 4个回答 . 1人已关注
如何使常压下水部分蒸发 只产生一部分水蒸气? 不知道应该怎么设置,用哪个模块,水在常压下小于100℃的时候也存在蒸发 我想得到该条件下的蒸气量,求指点! 查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
纳米科学与技术简介? Introductionto nanoscience and nanotechnology Kannan M. Krishnan's research group, University of Washington, WA, USA The basic concept of nanometer, nanoscience andnanotechnology are introduced at first. Then further understanding of nanotechnologyis given by describing the existing nanotechnologies, the reasons to developnanotechnology now and the major challenges we face. Some social issues andfuture prospects of nanoscience and nanotechnology are mentioned in the end. A nanometer isone billionth of a meter (10-9), which is roughly four times thediameter of an individual atom. For comparison, a typical nanometer-scalefeature size of about 10 nanometers is 1,000 times smaller than the diameter ofa human hair.1 This length scale is quite important for thedevelopment of science and technology because of the wave-like properties ofelectrons inside matter. Without changing the material’s chemical composition,we may control fundamental properties of materials like their meltingtemperatures, magnetic properties, charge capacities, and even their colors bynanofabrication.1 Currently there are a lot ofdifferent opinions about what exactly nanotechnology is. In general, nanotechnology can be understood as atechnology of the design, fabrication and applications of nanostructures andnanomaterials. Nanotechnology also includes a fundamental understanding ofphysical properties and phenomena of nanomaterials and nanostructures. The studyof fundamental relationships between physical properties and phenomena andmaterial dimensions in the nanometer scale isalso referred to as nanoscience. Actually, nanotechnology is not totally a new concept. Many existingtechnologies do already depend on nanoscale processes. Photography andcatalysis are two examples of “old” nanotechnologies that were developed bypractice in an earlier period despite their developers’ limited abilities toprobe and control matter at a nanoscale. For many of the existing technologiesutilizing nanometer-scale objects, the role that the nanometer scale played wasnot even appreciated until recently. For example1, we know now thatadding certain inorganic clays to rubber dramatically improves the lifetime andwear properties of tires because the nanometer-sized clay particles bind to theends of the polymer molecules, which are “molecular strings” and prevent themfrom unraveling. Why do we emphasize so much about nanoscience and nanotechnologynow? Of course, the industrial need to make nanomaterials is a main reason.However, nanoscience has exploded in the last decade, primarily as the resultof the development of new tools that have made the characterization andmanipulation of nanostructures practical, and also as a result of new methodsfor the preparation of these structures. First of all, as the transdisciplinary science and technologydevelop fast, an industrial need shows up to exploit the phenomena andproperties of materials at the nanometer length scale. This is because thereare ultimate limits of miniaturization in different fields of industry such assilicon-based technology, including memory and logic applications. Another driving force for usto research nanoscience and nanotechnology now is the demand ofpharmaceuticals, healthcare, and life sciences. In fact, cells in animals’bodies are an example of nanotechnology in nature, and they can be changed ifwe are able to manipulate at nanometer length scale. Nanotechnology will allowus to place components and assemblies inside cells. The potential applicationsinclude new nanostructured drugs, gene and drug delivery systems targeted tospecific sites in the body, biocompatible replacements for body parts andfluids, self-diagnostics for use in the home, sensors for labs-on-a-chip, andmaterial for bone and tissue regeneration. Nowadays, we have some novel tools to measure and characterizenanomaterials and nanostructures. Scanning probe microscopies haverevolutionized the characterization of nanostructures, and the development ofnew variants of scanning probe devices continues apace. Older tools, especiallyelectron microscopy, continue to play essential roles. In biologicalnanoscience, the combination of X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopyoffers atomic resolution structural information about structures as complex asentire virus particles.2 At the same time, the new technical advances also make it possibleto fabricate at the nanometer-scale. The ability to fabricate and processnanostructures and nanomaterials is the first corner stone in nanotechnology.Obviously, there are two approaches to the synthesis of nanomaterials and thefabrication of nanostructures: top-down and bottom-up. Attrition (A rubbingaway or wearing down by friction) is a typical top-down method in makingnanoparticles, whereas the colloidal dispersion (A substance with components ofone or two phases, a type of mixture intermediate between a solution and aheterogeneous mixture with properties also intermediate between the two) is agood example of bottom-up approach in the synthesis of nanoparticles.3 Although the research on nanotechnology is based on establishedfundamentals and technologies such as physics, chemistry, materials science anddevice science and technology, researchers in the field face many newchallenges that are unique to nanostructures and nanomaterials.4 First of all, the building and demonstration of novel tools to studyat the nanometer level what is being manifested at the macro level is a greatchallenge. The small size and complexity of nanoscale structures make thedevelopment of new measurement technologies more challenging than ever.Measurements of physical properties of nanomaterials require extremelysensitive instrumentation, while the noise level must be kept very low. That isbecause the noise which is one kind of vibration could influence the results ofmeasurements.5 Also, other challenges arise in the nanometer scale, but are notfound in the macro level. For example, random doping (the process of addingimpurity additions into intrinsic semiconductors) fluctuations become extremelyimportant at the nanometer scale, since the fluctuation of the dopingconcentration would not be tolerable at the nanometer scale. For the fabrication and processing of nanomaterials andnanostructures, the challenges include: (1) Overcoming the huge surface energy,a result of large surface to volume ratio. (2) Ensuring that all nanomaterialswith desired size, uniform size distribution, morphology, crystallinity,chemical composition, and microstructure, that altogether result in desiredphysical properties. (3) Preventing nanomaterials and nanostructures fromcoarsening through agglomeration as time evolves.5 Even though the challenges mentioned above have already beenconquered, developing techniques for fabricating nanostructures inexpensivelyin very large numbers—that is, manufacturing them—is still an area thatrequires substantial effort: nanoscience will not be fully successful until ithas provided the base for manufacturing technologies that are economicallyviable. There are some other issues about nanotechnology. For instance, towork in nanoscience, it is a prerequisite to be able to fabricate andcharacterize nanostructures. Certain instruments, especially electronmicroscopes, are sufficiently expensive that they should be operated withinconsortia; others, especially state-of-the-art scanning probe devices, shouldbe distributed to qualifying individual research groups. For the more expensivefacilities—for example, high-resolution e-beam writers, good clean-roomfacilities, and mask-making facilities—a substantial, early investment isneeded to prevent fabrication delays. Nanoscience is one of the unexplored frontiers of science. It offersone of the most exciting prospects for technological innovation. And if itlives up to its promise as a generator of technology, it will be at the centerof fierce international competition. However, challenges and the potential riskof environmental impact still exist in the way of future development ofnanotechnology and nanoscience, which demand further progressive investigation and properoverall evaluation.6 References: ­­­­1­­&#173 .Alivisatos, M.C. Roco, R.S. Williams, Introduction to nanotechnology fornonspecialists , NSF Report (XXV-XXX) ­­2G.Whitesides, P. Alivisatos, Fundamental scientific issues for nanotechnology. 1-16 3P. Ball, Made to measure. (Ch 2 p. 63-85) Princeton Press(1996) 4Gary Stix, Little big science. Scientific American, September32-37 (2001) 5G. Cao, Nanostructures and nanomaterials. Imperial CollegePress 7-11 (2004) 6 VickiL.Colvin, The potential environmental impact of engineered nanomaterials ,Nature Biotechnology, vol 21 Oct.2003 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
装置首次开工 为什么干气带油严重? 装置首次开工 为什么干气带油严重查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
求助:LNG液化工厂装车位的数量如何确定? 求助:LNG液化工厂装车位的数量如何确定?已知:LMG产量20m3/h,装车泵流量是80m3/h 查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
仪表验收问题!? 国家出台有《 自动化仪表 工程施工及验收规范》GB50093-2013,这是一个强制性标准,完全可以按照该标准进行验收。查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
求一份混合脱水的带控制点的流程图? 求一份混合脱水带控制点的工艺流程图查看更多 0个回答 . 2人已关注
现场热阻来的欧姆值经过换算比DCS显示的要高20多度,怎 ...? 现场PT100热阻来的欧姆值经过换算比DCS显示的要高20多度,怎么办?中控室用 万用表 检测145欧姆,应该是116度,但是DCS显示94度,怎么处理啊?谢谢 查看更多 15个回答 . 2人已关注
求限流孔板的软件? 求限流孔板的软件,验算用,谢谢查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
原盐消耗的统计方法? 请问: 离子膜 法制碱的生产过程实际的盐耗是怎样统计出来的?隔膜法制碱的生产过程实际的盐耗是怎样统计出来的?谢谢。 # , , & 查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
2015年8月5日电石价格行情分析? 2015年8月5日 电石 价格行情分析 2015年8月5日 中国化工产品网 电石 市场整体稳定, PVC 企业电石到货仍显偏紧,够用与略有缺口现象并存,个别继续小涨,但PVC市场低迷,企业对高位略显排斥。电石企业出货仍顺畅,低价不出货,企业仍积极寻求高端售价。市场心态也开始矛盾,预计继续上行乏力,短期维稳居多。两湖地区电石市场稳步前行,交投气氛平和。当地氯碱企业采购一级品电石的主流到厂价格在2700-2800元/吨,大单客户价格略低。虽然电石市场供应量仍显紧张,但下游氯碱企业迫于自身压力,对电石价格承压能力有限。山东地区电石到货量减少,供需关系紧张,价格继续小幅走高,部分氯碱企业上调采购价格。该地区氯碱企业采购一级品电石主流送到价格在2750-2850元/吨。虽然西北电石企业开工负荷有所回升,但由于物流运输不畅,当地部分氯碱企业库存不足,为保证正常生产,小幅上调采购价格。乌盟地区电石产量变化不大,价格随行就市。目前295L/KG的电石主流出厂报价2450-2510元/吨,实际成交灵活。电石出货顺畅,货源紧俏。 [/td] [url=http://www.chemcp.com/][/url] 查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
上海凯太G型螺杆泵 用心打造行业尖端产品? G型 螺杆泵 之所以说是一种新型泵种,主要原因是其设计理论和其他泵体不同,材料上也有所差异,并有三种不同的材料可供消费者选择,国内G型螺杆泵的生产者数量不断攀升,然而只有有实力的厂家才能制造出优秀的泵体,以满足不断变化的使用需求,上海凯太属于颇具实力的厂家之一,采用先进技术进行G型螺杆泵的设计和制造,并以不懈努力打造出了市场尖端产品。 这里我们必须要提到的是上海凯太的技术力量,上海凯太是一家集研发生产销售为一体的企业,拥有强大的技术支撑,全球尖端的计算机辅助设计系统,全部产品均在计算机上进行设计和优化改良,上海凯太还曾经投资建成了大型的水泵性能检测中心,生产的每一款产品都会进入检测中心进行严格的质量检测,因此在质量上自然得到了保障。因此生产 G型螺杆泵 时有了必须的技术支撑,自然轻车熟路,加上严格的质量检测,足可见的上海凯太泵业生产的G型螺杆泵是质量上乘的尖端产品。 而用心,是上海凯太的另一个标签。 只有足够用心,才能生产出足够尖端的产品,而在这方面,上海凯太是最有发言权的,公司秉承“顾客满意”的理念,坚持生产的每一款产品,从客户预定到使用都提供全方位的周到服务,公司内部极具凝聚力,致力于为社会提供优质产品和满意服务。 不仅如此,在运营方面,上海凯太更是独具一格地创造了泵业精神,并一直坚守至今,努力为社会做出贡献,为泵业发展做出助力,这也使得上海凯太泵业出厂的产品多深受消费者青睐。G型螺杆泵就是其中一种,精品是只有拥有强大技术和不懈努力的厂家才能完成的,如果没有一定的坚持精神,在泵业的发展将寸步难行,正是上海凯太的坚持,让市场知道了这个名字,并牢牢刻在了泵业发展史的首页。(文/SUNMEDIA) 查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
离心泵声音有杂音? 我车间有一台 离心泵 声音有杂音,判断是叶轮壳内有异物,检查后并没有异物,轴承间隙也不大,请问还有什么地方会引起杂音。查看更多 9个回答 . 5人已关注
陶瓷或分子筛水热处理试验? 有没有从事陶瓷或 分子筛 水热处理工艺研究的从业人员,谈谈这类 试验所需的实验装置,仪器,和主要工艺控制条件。查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
急,谁提供个氯化铵在线分析仪给我啊? 母液溢流组成数据表 101→201 表1 组成 NaCl NH4Cl Na2SO4 (NH4)2 SO4 H2O wt% 0 36.51 12.524 2.673 48.29  温度 115℃ 密度 1.25*103kg/m3 离子含量 Na+ 4.057%, Cl- 24.221%,SO42- 10.411%,NH4+ 13.02% 其余H2O 在线监测NH4+含量 203→303 表2 组成 NaCl NH4Cl Na2SO4 (NH4)2 SO4 H2O wt% 0 23.767 15.25 2.21 58.77  温度 50℃ 密度 1.24*103kg/m3 离子含量 Na+ 4.94%, Cl- 15.77%,SO42- 11.92%,NH4+ 8.6% 其余H2O 在线监测Cl-含量 303→101 表3 组成 NaCl NH4Cl Na2SO4 (NH4)2 SO4 H2O wt% 0 33.55 15.17 3.1 48.18  温度 115℃ 密度 1.24*103kg/m3 离子含量 Na+ 4.9%, Cl- 22.26%,SO42- 12.51%,NH4+ 12.14% 其余H2O 在线监测Cl-含量 我手机13852333996 有厂家可以联系我查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
职业:远东联石化(扬州)有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:潍坊科技职业学院 - 化工系
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