大家帮忙理解下golden welds是什么焊缝? 大家帮忙理解下golden welds是什么焊缝?查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
2010上午专业31-38题求解? 37. 环氧丙烷生产过程中皂化塔塔底排出的废水含有氯 丙醇 ,拟采用减压闪蒸进行回收氯丙醇,同时降低废水中有害物质的含量,已知进入闪蒸槽氯丙醇的浓度为0.0256(摩尔分率),在操作条件下氯丙醇的气化率0.6,氯丙醇的相平衡常数为 3.6 ,闪蒸后闪蒸排出废水中的氯丙醇浓度(摩尔分数)是下列那个数值? A.0.010 B. 0.013 C .0.015 D. 0.018 38. 某填料 精馏塔 的填料层高度为9m, 塔顶设有分凝器,塔底设有 再沸器 ,已知精馏塔系统完成分离任务需要18快理论版,该塔的等板高度(m)是下述哪个数据? A.2. B. 0.56 C . 0.52 D. 0.5 查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
锅炉基础题(4月19日)? 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
催化原料加氢与产品加氢? 请大家讨论催化装置是采用前加氢方案还是后加氢方案更合理,注明原料性质、前加氢的优缺点、后加氢的优缺点、两种方案的对比 查看更多 6个回答 . 4人已关注
一级易燃液体、二级易燃液体,谁知道出处在哪里? 我找到依据了, 《铁路危险货物运输管理规则》 第五条 第3类 易燃液体 第3.1项 一级易燃液体; 第3.2项 二级易燃液体。 3.1 低闪点液体(一级易燃液体)   本项货物系指闭杯试验闪点低于-18℃的液体。 3.2 中闪点液体(二级易燃液体)   本项货物系指闭杯试验闪点在-18℃至<23℃的液体。 查看更多 10个回答 . 1人已关注
16MnII与16MnR有什么区别? 16MnII与16MnR、20R与20II在材质上有什么区别? 一般PL(25-1.0RF)型法兰都是用板材下料后金加工(价格相对锻件较低), 但有一图纸要求PL型法兰用锻件,是否可以不经过设计院出材料代用手续用板开? 是否合法?请高人指点迷津!查看更多 24个回答 . 5人已关注
为什么糊状树脂干燥要用喷雾干燥啊? 为什么糊状 树脂 干燥要用喷雾干燥啊? 另外氯醚在糊状树脂里面是做什么用的啊?查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
关于真空相变加热炉问题? 真空相变 加热炉 一般的总传热系数为多少?我算出来只有300多 W/㎡·K。估计算偏小了。谢谢各位! 查看更多 0个回答 . 2人已关注
注安考试实用性怎么样? 又一年注安考试开始报名了,全国不知道多少同仁都来争取这本本,特别是国家要求相关的化工企业安全工作人员必须要有注安证,在此对于注安考试的实用性提出疑问。以前在企业做安全工作时间很多企业制度的执行情况很差,如果有了具备注安证的人员来参与效果会怎么样,能起到实际作用有多少呢?希望广大安全工作者来参与发言!!查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
康塔公司的一部分吸附资料? QCI_PowderTech_27(主要介绍氩吸附等温线在表征 分子筛 孔道分布方面的优点,低温氩分子在分子筛孔道内扩散速度快,故氩吸附比氮吸附需要时间短,同时对仪器要求较低) title: QUANTACHROME ANNOUNCES A NEW METHOD FOR ZEOLITE CHARACTERIZATION introduction: Physical adsorption in materials consisting of micropores, as for instance in zeolite etc. occurs at relative pressures substantially lower than in case of adsorption phenomena in mesopores, but spans several orders of magnitude in relative pressure. In particular the characterization of zeolites with nitrogen at 77.4 K is difficult, because the filling of pores of dimension 0.5 - 1 nm occurs at relative pressures of 10-7 to 10-5, where the rate of diffusion and adsorption equilibration is very slow. Hence, it is of advantage to analyze zeolites consisting of such narrow micropores by using argon as adsorptive at liquid argon temperature (87.3 K). Argon fills micropores of dimensions 0.5 – 1nm at much higher relative pressures (i.e., at relative pressures 10-5 to 10-3) compared to nitrogen, which leads to accelerated diffusion and equilibration processes and thus also to a reduction in analysis time. In Figure 1 the different pore filling ranges for argon adsorption at 87.3 K and nitrogen adsorption at 77.4 K is illustrated based on sorption data obtained on a faujasite-type zeolite. QCI_PowderTech_29(在测试等到温线时,需测试不同相对压力下的吸附量,本文介绍了通过提高液体的饱和蒸气压,降低平衡时间的方法) title: Elevated Saturation Vapor Pressure of Liquid Nitrogen introduction: From the analysis of nitrogen gas sorption isotherms obtained at the boiling temperature of nitrogen, (i.e. 77.35 K), important quantities like the specific su**ce area, pore volume, pore size, and pore size distribution can be derived. The sorption isotherm is measured as a function of pressure until the saturation pressure P0 of the bulk fluid is achieved. However the thickness of the adsorbed film and the pore filling (condensation) pressure is related to the difference in chemical potential Δμ = μ- μo of the adsorbate film (μ) and the chemical potential of the bulk liquid (μo), which is related to the pressures P and P0 of the vapor in equilibrium with the adsorbed film and the saturated liquid, respectively, by μ - μo = RTlnP/P0, where R is the universal gas constant and T is the temperature. Hence, the adsorbed amount is measured as a function of the ratio P/P0 and the accurate monitoring of the saturation pressure is crucial in order to ensure the highest accuracy and precision for pore size and su**ce area analysis. QCI_PowderTech_34(nova的广告,当然广告也分有用的广告和讨厌的广告) title: Some Aspects of Quantachrome’s NOVA (NO Void Analysis) Technology introduction: To generate accurate gas sorption data using the conventional volumetric static methods, it is necessary to introduce a non-adsorbing gas such as helium prior to every analysis. The helium is used to measure void (free space) volumes, apply gas non-ideality corrections, and define void volume zones (at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature if this is the temperature at which the adsorption experiment is performed). The helium void volume measurement procedure is based on various assumptions: (i) helium is not adsorbed/ absorbed on/into the adsorbent (ii) helium does not penetrate into regions which are inaccessible for the adsorptive (typically nitrogen). However, these pre-requisites are not always fulfilled and the use of helium for dead-space calibrations has been, therefore, under discussion for many years. Many researchers confirmed that some microporous solids adsorb significant amounts of helium even at ambient temperatures [1], and further evidence for helium absorption was discovered recently [2]. It is also well know that at these low temperatures and low pressures (e.g., at the temperatures of liquid nitrogen, 77.35 K, and liquid argon, 87.27 K) nitrogen and argon molecules can ( in contrast to helium) not enter the most narrow micropores of adsorbents due to diffusion limitations. As a consequence, such nitrogen and argon sorption isotherms are affected by a systematic void volume error. QCI_PowderTech_36(主要介绍了对于不同吸附材料,吸附等温线和脱附等线测试孔道颁布的差别) title: COMMENTS ON THE PROPER SELECTION OF ADSORPTION OR DESORPTION BRANCHES FOR MESOPORE SIZE ANALYSIS introduction: The occurrence of adsorption/desorption hysteresis generates a problem for the pore size analysis of mesoporous materials. The question whether the adsorption or desorption branch of a hysteretic isotherm should be taken for pore size analysis has been discussed for many decades. QCI_PowderTech_37(利用氢吸附测试吸附等温线) title: Hydrogen Adsorption: Experiment and Application introcution:In light of recent growing interest in hydrogen storage and fuel cell applications it is important to develop adequate and accurate methods for the characterization of porous materials that are designed for hydrogen applications such as H2 storage and separation. A number of studies have been published on modeling and on experimental data of physical adsorption of H2 on various porous materials [e.g., 1, 2]. Due the fact that hydrogen is supercritical at room temperature (where storage applications will be performed) significant amount of hydrogen can only be stored at elevated pressures. However, hydrogen adsorption experiments performed at subatmospheric pressures can still provide important information about the hydrogen storage potential of an adsorbent. Porous materials concentrate gas molecules, such as hydrogen, in their micropores due to the enhanced gas-solid interaction potential between the walls of such pores. Magnitude of this potential and capacity for hydrogen adsorption, at given temperature and pressure conditions, strongly depend on pore sizes, and so-called ultramicropores (pore sizes < 7 &Aring;) are here most important. Hence, information about ultramicropore sizes and their distribution can be obtained if microscopic approaches are applied to analyze hydrogen adsorption data (see section 3). [ ]查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
请问输送液态黄磷的管线用什么材质最合适? 请问输送液态 黄磷 的管线用什么材质最合适,哪位知道请详细告诉一下,谢谢!!查看更多 5个回答 . 5人已关注
薄壁轴瓦的修理技术? (1)轴瓦的清洗与检查 由于薄壁瓦结构上的特殊,轴瓦的清洗、检查方法必须注意以下几方面。 1)由于薄壁瓦轴瓦合金层比较薄,一般0.30—0.80mm左右,故半轴瓦表面磨损较严重、发生咬伤而无法用加垫收紧法调整时,以及轴承脱落或不能保证检修间隔期等情况叫,应更换轴瓦。 2)大修时,如果其中有一半轴瓦因磨损过薄或损坏而不能继续使用时,应成套更新。 (2)轴瓦的修理与更换 1)焊补法修复。当轴承合金层有小片剥落时,可以用焊补法修复。 2)轴瓦的收紧。薄壁瓦大、中修时,由于轴承合金层还比较厚,同时又没有其他不可修理的缺陷,都可以来用轴瓦收紧法将轴瓦收紧。经刮研,使其与轴颈具有规定的装配间隙而继续使用。 收紧轴瓦有以下三种方法: 第一种是轴瓦和轴承座分开面间原来装有调整垫片者,可适当减少调整垫片的厚度; 第二种是轴瓦和轴承座分开面间原来没有调整垫片者,或者调整垫片抽调后,间隙仍过大,应在轴瓦外圆与轴承座之间垫以 黄铜 皮; 第三种是在轴瓦外圆镀铜。 轴瓦需更新时,如果轴颈尺寸未变,则可用原标准轴瓦备件,只要稍经刮削,就能达到规定的装配要求。如果轴颈已磨损,或圆锥度已超过规定值,则所配轴瓦应按轴颈加工后的尺寸装配。 查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
氨冷器和惰洗器温度的控制? 是指水温还是介质冷凝后的温度?查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
热处理炉的加热炉主要有哪些?   由于加热目的不, 加热炉 的种类繁多,一般有以下几种:   用千金属压力加工前的加热,如轧制和锻遭前的加热。其目的是为了提高其可甩性,减少压力加工的空形抗力。这类加热炉在冶金和机械工业中用得较为普迫,如用于钢锭开坯前加热的均热护,用于热轧和镶造的加热的推钢式连续加热炉、步进护等,用于锻适前加热的室状护,台车式加热护等。网带炉   金属加热目的是为了改空其结晶组织,获得所瀚要的物理机械性能,这种工艺就是金属热处理,完成热处理工艺的加热护就是通常称敬的热处理护。由于热处理工艺不同,所处理材料的形状和尺寸大小不同,这类护子的护型结构种类较多,如用来处理板卷的罩式炉。用于处理钢板的辊成式沪,用于处理长形工件的井式护以及用于处理各种俐材和工件的台乍式护等等。 热处理炉   加热目的是为了排除被加热物料或工件中的水分,这种沪子一般叫做千澡护。如铸造车间的砂型千澡沪等。工业炉 物料加热目的是为了获得新产品,如 石灰石 、白云石的抢烧护等。 查看更多 0个回答 . 2人已关注
求变压吸附制氢操作规程? 求 变压吸附 制氢操作规程 谢谢 原料 CH4+水蒸汽 流量 8000Nm3/h查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
常压塔的疑问? 各位盖德,我在看常减压技术问答时,对常减压塔这一块的调节操作,一直不是很明白。 这次碰到一个: 书上说“原油炉出口温度升高时,塔内气化量增大引起塔顶压力、温度变化,应加大回流量,适当提高塔顶温度,保证产品质量” 炉出口温度升高后,部分重组分气话,精馏段气相负荷加大,塔内压力上升,增大回流量用以取走多余热量。有点不明白的是,塔顶的温度为什么是下降的啊?我理解是这部分热量是 加热炉 带过来的,炉出口温度升高,应该把部分重组分带到了精馏段,也把热量带到了精馏段,那塔顶温度为啥会下降呢? 原谅我这个小白的提问吧,谢谢大家 还有就是国内有没有专门介绍如何应对常减压生产过程中的波动影响,如何调节操作的书呢? 查看更多 13个回答 . 3人已关注
淡盐水脱氯真空度? 论坛内搜了一下,看到各家的真空度控制值都不一样,请问这个与什么有关?我们用的是 蒸汽喷射泵 ,真空度控制在33KPa,液位控制在45%。查看更多 5个回答 . 5人已关注
一种烯的提纯? <span style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">我的原料只有5克,产物更少,不超过3克,溶剂是二 甲苯 (有时用甲苯),大约50克。反应后反应液是黄褐色,旋蒸去掉甲苯(二甲苯)成黑褐色了,做气相峰很多,估计有 聚合物 在里面,问一下各位大侠,怎么样才能把我的产物给提纯出来,我的产物是一种烯,减压蒸馏是不是量太少了?还有别的什么好方法吗?谢谢,请各位大侠指点!</span>查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
解决煤浆浓度(测量)问题? 本文由 盖德化工论坛 转载自互联网 如何实现在线检测煤浆的浓度: 当介质在垂直的管道上流动时(亦可用于 搅拌容器 内流动介质的浓度检测),任意两个测点的压力差由两部分组成,即静压差和摩擦阻力,其中静压差在两测点位置固定的情况下,取决于介质的浓度(密度)。为了从差压输出信号中准确地获得介质的浓度信息,需要从测得的差压信号中剔除摩擦阻力信号。另外,还要对介质温度和环境温度变化引起的误差将予与补偿。典型精度可达到±0.5% 各位专家,这个可以满足生产工艺上的要求吗?q1583807587查看更多 6个回答 . 3人已关注
注化考试专业复习参考书之个人总结? 准备资料复习 弱弱问一下 《建筑防火规范》和《石油防火规范》再加一本《压力管道审批人员培训手册》 其中《压力管道审批人员培训手册》是什么书?呵呵,参考书上没有?谢谢 查看更多 44个回答 . 3人已关注
职业:浙江德美博士达高分子材料有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:湛江教育学院 - 生化系
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