Puns(转载)? A pun is a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense of sound of different words. Take a look at in the following sentences and explain why they are puns. a) If you haven't struck oil in your first three minutes, stop boring. b) The golden age only comes to people when they have forgotten gold. c) Retired is being tired twice...First tired of working.Then tired of not.--Richard Armour d) The business of government is to keep the government out of business, that is, unless business needs government aid.--Will Rogers. e) During a campaign, the air is full of speeches,-and vice verse. f) Capital punishment:The income tax-Jeff Hayes g) When I see the Ten Most Wanted Lists... I always have this thought: If we'd made them feel wanted earlier, they wouldn't be wanted now. h) Buy Old Masters.They fetch a much better price than old mistresses. i) There's a mighty big difference between good, sound reasons and reasons that sound good.(Burton Hills)查看更多0个回答 . 4人已关注
PRO/II 的收敛问题? 做了一个例子,一运行,就提示警告,如下: ** WARNING ** UNIT 3, 'T3' - A SURE column with the water DECANT option enabled REQUIRES the Component Data Section to include either "BANK=PROCESS" or a "PHASE" declaration specifying water as a "VL" component, when there are any VL components present. 不明白是什么意思,请各位大虾赐教,多谢! [ ]查看更多7个回答 . 1人已关注