DSC电池阻抗拟合?各位做DSCs电池或其它电池的大侠,小弟在做染料敏化太阳能电池(DSC)时测了整个电池在光照条件下的阻抗,想从阻抗图中用ZView的软件来拟合从而得到以下众多数据: electron transport resistance Rw in the TiO2 network,??interfacial charge recombination resistance Rk and the chemical capacitance Cμat the TiO2/electrolyte interface, the sheet resistance RS-ITO of the conducting substrate,??charge-transfer resistance RITO for electron recombination and the capacitance CITO at the uncovered ITO/electrolyte interface, the resistance RCO and the capacitance CCO at ITO/TiO2 contact, charge-transfer resistance Rct-Pt and the interfacial capacitance Cct-Pt at the Pt/electrolyte interface,??the impedance Zd of the diffusion of the redox species in the electrolyte. 电池的等效电路图如附件,不知道哪位大侠拟合过,跪请教我怎么拟合,用ZView拟合时用什么样的电路,或帮我拟合以下。站内联系。跪谢!查看更多6个回答 . 8人已关注