每天一件新鲜事情,生活不再枯燥? 1.think for a half hour a day exclusively on one subject. you can start off by thinking about a single subject for five minutes a day, then increase the period daily until you reach a half hour. 2.write a letter or speak for 15 minutes without using the words i, me, my and mine. 3.have someone doodle a line for you, then challenge yourself to make a variety of cartoons based on that one line. don't resort to drawing faces, though--those are usually too easy! 4.take a familiar outline and challenge yourself to come up with drawings that could fit within that outline. bine ideas. choose two random objects, and describe each one in detail. what does it look like? 6.keep a journal, describing everything you do and feel with metaphors. 7.write a list of basic questions, such as 'what is your name?', 'where are you from?', what did you do last thursday?' try to come up with at least 10 questions. 8.play word association games. it helps to have someone willing to play along, but if no one will, you can do this alone. 9.see how long you can talk (and make sense!) without using a common word, like 'and','but', 'the' or 'that'. 10.try to jot down a few ideas every day. they may be dumb, or they may only seem dumb. 1.每天花一个小时集中想一件事。开始的时候,你可以每天试着花5分钟,慢慢积累直到1个小时。 2.写一封信或者说一段话,不准用“我”,“我们”,“我的”。 3.让别人给你画一条线,你试着沿这条线画漫画,不要只想着画一个人脸,那太简单了。 4.画一个大概,沿着这个轮廓作画。 5.描述两个任意事物,试着找出之间的联系。 6.将每天发生的事情和接触到的人用暗喻修辞手法写下来。 7.试着写出10个问题,例如“你叫什么名字?”,“你从哪里来?” 8.玩猜字游戏。如果别人和你一起更好,自己也可以一个人玩。 9.看看不用“和”,“但是”,“那个”和“就是”这样常见的词,你可以说多少正确的话。 10.每天试着想一些新的想法,就算是愚蠢的也不要紧。 转摘自海词快乐英语,供朋友们分享查看更多