热虹吸式再沸器的安装高度? 坛子里关于热虹吸再沸器的帖子很多,但很可惜的是,即便是工艺专业的朋友,很多人都没搞清楚,原因也很简单 ... 你好!请问我在计算热虹吸式再沸器的时候,出现这个warning,应该如何去做调整,才能使这个警告消除呢,谢谢! the thermosiphon calculation with the specified flow leadsto an inconsistency in pressure change around the circuit of -0.06bar. thedriving head of liquid corresponds to 0.188bar. a negative inconsistency inpressure means that extra flow resistance would be required to achieve thisflow, and that in reality the flow would be higher than that specified. thethermosiphon stability analysis should also be treated with caution when thereis a pressure inconsistency around the thermosiphon loop. 查看更多