override在不同场所的含义? 在最近资料的翻译中,在不同的场合碰到了这个词:override 有的是用在阀门上,如: There must be a manual override on each valve that allows the operator to put the valve in any position including fully closed. It must not be possible to remove a manual override if the valve is operating below its normal output limit. 有的用在程序上(或者说是顺序控制),如: If it is not the case, increase the catalyst concentration and/or increase the level inside the catalyst slurry tank by overriding the normal run of the sequence SEQ-3050A. 有的用在联锁上,如: Interlock overrides should not be required during the normal operation of the plant and must be strictly managed and minimized. 想请教一下,override在这几个地方,都有什么特殊含义?查看更多7个回答 . 2人已关注