能解释一下脱盐水,2B水,工业水之间的具体区别吗? 脱盐水,也叫除盐水或软水,主要目的是降低水的硬度;工业水,一般情况指取于自然水源如江、河、湖、海及地下等一次水;2b水可能是经过过滤等处理的工业水(个人理解,仅供参考!) 查看更多
〖看图识隐患活动1120〗车间吊运? [hide]1、吊钩无防滑落措施 2、吊物不平衡 3、作业人员扶吊物,不安全 4、通道不良 5、捆束方式不当 6、吊运物高度不足查看更多
气化原始开车前吹扫? 高闪气相管线、蒸汽管线、仪表气源管线、仪表空气也需要吹扫的 其他如烘炉的燃料气管线等也需要吹扫 定吹扫方案要先把所有的气相管道列表,然后根据吹扫气源情况以及管道管径确定吹扫方式、吹扫方案查看更多
排气筒一定要用井字架支撑吗?!? 电线杆,自身的强度和刚度都是非常高的啊。 镀锌管的强度和刚度才多少点。 哈哈,是这么个事啊查看更多
caesar 压力的问题? 要求输入的好像是绝压。查看更多
酸化中和的问题~? 稀盐酸冷冻一下试试,可以加入精盐一起冷冻查看更多
针对DN≤250以下的 WN法兰与接管B类接头及接管之间的B类 ...? 分情况了 对制造厂 图纸规定了a/b类的无损检测外,无其他检测说明的情况下 不用做 如因为是单面焊 对焊工不放心 那是领导的事 一班的技术人员 就别抄心了 对设计 要看介质等 设备情况了 查看更多
pro II 操作步骤,新手适用!? 一字值千金! 谢谢楼主,恩泽天下啊,哈哈 查看更多
每日一图,大家找隐患10.25(答题结束,公布答案)? 回复 28# a2963008000 忘了加隐藏,编辑了一下。没什么问题吧。查看更多
求助:防氢氟酸腐蚀? 1# lzhh0829 呵呵 试试在配碱中加碳酸钠和亚硫酸钠 算好适合比例 可能效果好些查看更多
小型锅炉都有哪些节能方法? 根据实践经验,效果好的主要有:1、加蒸汽回收机2、给煤系统改为分层燃烧3、改造省煤器(水包式)4、注意保温5、给水、风机等变频6、加蒸汽流量计考核司炉工操作7、检查锅炉状况如水垢、炉拱情况查看更多
锅炉出力的讨论? 同意楼上观点,不过根据国内锅炉实际状况来说,未必能满足你的需求,要考虑到实际耗损放量的问题。查看更多
mvr真空度高,蒸发量低,咋办? 真空度高,是正常蒸发压缩机启动以后吗?它会一直降低?没有理论性啊 是的 还请指教 查看更多
汽轮机备压蒸汽上的单向阀老是吧嗒吧嗒的响,好像是单向 ...? 声音规律,位置离压机出口不算远。查看更多
二甲醚再沸器蒸汽加热改为导热油加热问题? 这个要重新核算,△t虽然增加了,但k也降低了。所以不太好说查看更多
请问陕西有哪些焦化厂? 各位大哥大姐,陕西有哪些焦化厂,小弟求教。 该贴已经同步到 j_迪_d的微博 查看更多
chemCAD5.2,共享给大家,有用的可以下载一下? 正在学习,多谢提供查看更多
大唐与巨点能源签署蓝气技术合作协议? 下面是巨点对蓝气气化技术的中试操作描述,大家可从中管窥其“奥妙”! 国内某些公司总以为国外存在神秘的技术巧决,其实煤气化已经历很长的技术研发历程,能干什么,什么不能干都很清楚了。 一方面钱多任性,一方面满脑幻想。 当然了,美国人不差崇尚冒险精神,况且,万一有个难点难以攻克,美国人基本没有损失的。 m swanson,a henderson the greatpoint energy (gpe) concept for producing synthetic natural gas and hydrogen from coal involves the catalytic gasification of coal and carbon. gpe’s technology “refines” coal by employing a novel catalyst to “crack” the carbon bonds and transform the coal into cleanburning methane (natural gas) and hydrogen. the gpe mild “catalytic” gasifier design and operating conditions result in reactor components that are less expensive and produce pipeline-grade methane and relatively high purity hydrogen. the system operates extremely efficiently on very low cost carbon sources such as lignites, subbituminous coals, tar sands, petcoke, and petroleum residual oil. in addition, gpe’s catalytic coal gasification process eliminates troublesome ash removal and slagging problems, reduces maintenance requirements, and increases thermal efficiency, significantly reducing the size of the air separation plant (a system that alone accounts for 20% of the capital cost of most gasification systems) in the catalytic gasification process. energy & environmental research center (eerc) pilot-scale gasification facilities were used to demonstrate how coal and catalyst are fed into a fluid-bed reactor with pressurized steam and a small amount of oxygen to “fluidize” the mixture and ensure constant contact between the catalyst and the carbon particles. in this environment, the catalyst facilitates multiple chemical reactions between the carbon and the steam on the surface of the coal. these reactions more» generate a mixture of predominantly methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. product gases from the process are sent to a gas-cleaning system where co{sub 2} and other contaminants are removed. in a full-scale system, catalyst would be recovered from the bottom of the gasifier and recycled back into the fluid-bed reactor. the by-products (such as sulfur, nitrogen, and co{sub 2}) would be captured and could be sold to the chemicals and petroleum industries, resulting in near-zero hazardous air or water pollution. this technology would also be conducive to the efficient coproduction of methane and hydrogen while also generating a relatively pure co{sub 2} stream suitable for enhanced oil recovery (eor) or sequestration. specific results of bench-scale testing in the 4- to 38-lb/hr range in the eerc pilot system demonstrated high methane yields approaching 15 mol%, with high hydrogen yields approaching 50%. this was compared to an existing catalytic gasification model developed by gpe for its process. long-term operation was demonstrated on both powder river basin subbituminous coal and on petcoke feedstocks utilizing oxygen injection without creating significant bed agglomeration. carbon conversion was greater than 80% while operating at temperatures less than 1400°f, even with the shorter-than-desired reactor height. initial designs for the gpe gasification concept called for a height that could not be accommodated by the eerc pilot facility. more gas-phase residence time should allow the syngas to be converted even more to methane. another goal of producing significant quantities of highly concentrated catalyzed char for catalyst recovery and material handling studies was also successful. a pd–cu membrane was also successfully tested and demonstrated to produce 2.54 lb/day of hydrogen permeate, exceeding the desired hydrogen permeate production rate of 2.0 lb/day while being tested on actual coal-derived syngas that had been cleaned with advanced warm-gas cleanup systems. the membranes did not appear to suffer any performance degradation after exposure to the cleaned, warm syngas over a nominal 100-hour test.查看更多
划类的优先选择? 有一台套管式换热器(无壳体的套管热交换器) 符合新容规 tsg r0004-2009 的划类要求,需要划类, 外套管的内径小于150mm,外套管的容积大于25l 问题来了: 如果按设备类型,应该属于1.4.1条中的(3)无壳体的套管热交换器,这样的话,需要监检; 如果按设备的内径来说,符合1.4.2中的"或者内直径小于150mm"的压力容器,这样的话就不需要监检. 我想说明的是,我不是为了逃避监检才问这个问题(大家无须讨论这一点) 我想弄清到底应该优先按哪个来选择,符合 1.4.1 还是 1.4.2 ?查看更多
职称英语的成绩出来了? 呵呵,恭喜恭喜。最好给大家发红包查看更多
职业:中化蓝天霍尼韦尔新材料有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:烟台职业学院 - 自动化工程学院
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