请问泡沫镍/碳布是在如何计算电化学暴露面积的(单面还是双面)?(审稿人为难我了)?如题:泡沫镍/碳布是在如何计算电化学暴露面积的(单面还是双面)? 1)When presenting the current density, how the exposed area is defined? Does one side or both sides of nickel foam counted? 2)How did the author calculate the geometric normalized current? Does the two sides of the Ni foam electrode are both considered? 两个审稿人都提到这个问题,我问了周围的同事,也难倒了,请求帮忙,感谢!查看更多18个回答 . 16人已关注
环境工程的你(硕士)希望毕业后的月薪是多少呢? 引用回帖: 14楼: Originally posted by luoyongqing at 2011-10-29 11:08:34 今年的情况好像不是那么乐观,除非是毕业前找单位实习很久,一般毕业后都不好找,大部分做环评了,环评也要看什么单位,很多同学现在基本工资1500左右,别不相信,我最铁的几个哥们都是这样,并且前三四个月基本上都 ...查看更多61个回答 . 14人已关注