请问原位红外在1000cm-1附近的峰是归属于积碳的这个有哪些文献可以参考么?难为斑竹的提醒!不知道峰的具体位置!很久之前我做过一点!1440 and 1840 cm?1 appeared, and that the IR adsorption in the range of 2800–3000 cm?1 was strongly enhanced in spent HY zeolite (Fig. 6). These results indicate that formed carbon are mainly long-chain hydrocarbons on the Br?nsted acid centers inside the pores of the zeolite可以参考:Applied Catalysis A: General, Volume 304, 10 May 2006, Pages 49-54以及这篇文章里面引用的文献Vib. Spectrosc., 31 (2003), p. 133Appl. Catal. A, 192 (2000), p. 85一般C=C键的振动峰在2500-2700,C=O在1700-1800,O-C=O在1500-1600,C-H在1400左右,再低波数的就可能是C-O-金属的震动峰了,查看更多