软包锂离子电池:高电压下高温夹具baking-对锂电池材料的影响?Lithium-ion batteries science and technologies 里有这样一段描述,应该和你推测的原因相符As the performance of Li +-ion batteries at elevated temperatures (50–70°C) isrelevant to their safe utilizations, studies on SEI film properties at elevated tempera- tures have been pursued recently.It was found that metastable species likeROCO 2Li within the SEI layer will decompose into more stable products such asLiC 2O 3and LiF at elevated temperatures. This leaves more pores in SEI layer andexposes the graphite-lithium surface to electrolytes, causing more irreversible capacities during continuous cycling. Actually, some companies have used the “aging” process to construct stable SEI film on electrodes for Li +-ion batteries,which is based on the above phenomenon. After fabrication, the Li +-ion batterieswere charged and stored at elevated temperature for certain times before sale in markets. Thus the SEI film is composed mainly of stable species like LiC 2O 3 and LiF and prove to be robust and effective for passivating the carbon electrodes,查看更多