压缩机转子做磁性粒子检查? 今天在API程序文件发现有这么一项要求,Each rotor shall be subjected to an overspeed test at at least 115% of maximum continuous speed for a duration of at least three minutes. After the overspeed test, the rotor shall be magnetic particle examined (the acceptance criterion being zero linear indications). The rotor shall then be balance checked at maximum continous speed; if the acceptance limits are exceeded, then the rotor shall be rebalanced,其中说做转子做完超速跳车实验后需要做磁性粒子检验,接受的标准是线性曲线显示为零,转子应在最大连续转速做平衡检查.......我想知道转子的磁性粒子检查是哪个标准规定的,有什么要求,主要是检查什么?查看更多1个回答 . 5人已关注