最新的一篇Li2S的综述文章?AEM上发表的最新的Li2S的综述 Recent Advances in Lithium Sulfide Cathode Materials and Their Use in Lithium Sulfur Batteries Increasing interest in electric transportation and bulk energy storage systems has fueled a growth in the demand for battery technologies that can offer both a high capacity and high energy density. Potential candidates include lithium sulfur batteries based on a lithium sulfi de (Li 2 S) cathode material, which overcome many of the problems associated with other lithium sulfur battery designs. The downside of this is that Li 2 S has a sluggish activation process, and so, in a bid to overcome this shortcoming, various studies have aimed at better understanding the activation mechanism of this material so that it can be more effectively utilized. An overview of these efforts, as well as of the various full-cell systems that have been subsequently developed based on Li 2 S cathodes in combination with different anode materials such as silicon nanowires, silicon thin fi lms, and tin composites is provided.查看更多0个回答 . 12人已关注