建议有能力的人赞助Olex2或者课题组购买Olex2Plus group licence?各位老师,同仁大家好,想必这个板块的不少人都使用过olex2软件,而且十分受益于它强大的功能。不知我们在使用这个免费的软件时是否考虑过该公司如何运营?前几天我试用的olex2插件drawplus到期了,于是我发了个邮件询问如何继续激活该功能,于是我收到了如下邮件: “hello! first of all, thank you for using olex2 and its extensions! i just reactivated your license for drawplus so it should be working again. if you are enjoying using olex2 and are finding it useful for your work, maybe you could consider contributing to its maintenance and development. any contribution will help -- and if you are not in a position to contribute yourself, maybe you can talk to those around you and see whether you can convince them that a group licence for olex2plus is something you really need! or maybe olex2 could be written into your next grant proposal. please keep in touch and let us know whether you can help. best regards, lena rummel, olexsys ug, germany support@olex2.org ” 可以看出,工作人员很nice的回复了我并及时帮我激活了,而且从邮件中的语气可以看出,该公司似乎非常需要资金支持。 软件的开发与维护肯定需要资金支持的,我们不能只指望别人全靠情怀去为我们服务,而且相信大家和我一样不想看到这么优秀的一个软件可能因为资金的问题以后不再开发下去了,所以我希望有能力的人赞助olex2,或者有能力的课题组购买olex2plus group licence(如果你是学生,而你们组使用这个软件又很多,请建议一下你们的老师吧)。查看更多1个回答 . 8人已关注