甲胺液管道元件选材? 甲胺 液,1500LB,用什么密封面的法兰,垫片是不是用透镜垫的。查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
西门子控制系统病毒? 最近报道有针对西门子系统的病毒,不知如何传染,破坏哪些东西?诸位有无感染的实例,症状如何?查看更多 10个回答 . 5人已关注
压力容器的接管需要强度计算吗? 我们计算书里一般会有容器筒体壁厚的计算,那设备接管的壁厚需要计算吗?反正我以前都没有算,够应该也够的,但总感觉不太严谨,为什么筒体要算管子不用算就因为人家细吗? 请大家解释下,最好是规范上有明确要求。 查看更多 11个回答 . 4人已关注
JB/T4731-2005钢制卧式容器? JB/T4731-2005钢制卧式容器,JB/T4710-2005钢制塔式容器 有修改单么?查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
新建装置吹扫事项? 大家来讨论一下新建的 硫磺 装置再生装置怎样吹扫效果最好。查看更多 7个回答 . 1人已关注
固定床反应器的平均温度计算? 我们装置有一台固定床式 反应器 ,其床层有很多的温度测量点,同一高度上的温度点求平均温度的时候是所有温度点全都用来求算术平均还是去掉一个最高和一个最低,剩下的温度求平均,或者是其他方法,大家说说各自遇到的求法。查看更多 3个回答 . 2人已关注
SY∕T 7036-2016 石油天然气站场管道及设备外防腐层技术 ...? SY∕T 7036-2016 石油天然气站场管道及设备外防腐层技术规范 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
低温甲醇洗短期停车后,氨冷器停止供氨,氨压缩机如何处 ...? 低温 甲醇 洗短期停车后,氨冷器停止供氨,发现氨 压缩机 进口流量持续下降,三段出口压力也持续下降,(低温甲醇洗停车前压缩机进口流量约30000立方米每小时,停车后降至21000立方米每小时,并且还在下降),这时该如何处理?是降转速?开防喘振阀?还是关闭压缩机进口阀和液氨供给阀,让压缩机机内循环?初次遇到这个问题,不知道咋处理?请大家讨论!! 补充:我们是用 汽轮机 拖动氨压缩机(一拖二型)压缩气氨冷凝成液氨后供低温甲醇洗氨冷器制冷的流程!!查看更多 10个回答 . 4人已关注
如何找到CAD临时文件? 不小心为保存修改后的图纸,在CAD临时文件夹里找到后缀为“bak”的临时文件,将后缀改为“dwg”后CAD无法打开,以下提示:,请问如何解决?查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
哪位大侠知道螺杆泵什么厂家的比较好? 哪位大侠知道 螺杆泵 什么厂家的比较好?查看更多 9个回答 . 2人已关注
职业健康卫生谜语(7.26)? 包饼铺师傅(安全生产名词) 查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
各位大哥请问怎样用PROII软件查看蒸馏装置减压渣油的 比 ...? 各位大哥请问怎样用PROII软件查看蒸馏装置减压渣油的 比热(请将具体步骤与选项写出来哟)查看更多 4个回答 . 2人已关注
催化裂化装置换气压机操作为什么先放火炬? 催化裂化装置换 气压机 操作为什么先放火炬?查看更多 9个回答 . 2人已关注
高温,常压改负压? 各位大侠指点一下:在常温蒸馏的情况下,釜,塔,温度在250度以上,是否可以开始减压蒸馏,应该注意什么呀,(我们的塔改造的即可常压,也可以负压)求各位指点一二。查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
马友友:属于全世界的音乐家? A Musician of Many CulturesI grew up in three cultures: I was born in Paris, my parents were from China and I was brought up mostly in America. When I was young, this was very confusing: everyone said that their culture was best, but I knew they couldn't all be right. I felt that there was an expectation that I would choose to be Chinese or French or American. For many years I bounced among the three, trying on each but never being wholly comfortable. I hoped I wouldn't have to choose, but I didn't know what that meant and how exactly to "not choose." However, the process of trying on each culture taught me something. As I struggled to belong, I came to understand what made each one unique. At that point, I realized that I didn't need to choose one culture to the exclusion of another, but instead I could choose from all three. The values I selected would become part of who I was, but no one culture needed to win. I could honor the cultural depth and longevity of my Chinese heritage, while feeling just as passionate about the deep artistic traditions of the French and the American commitment to opportunity and the future. So, rather than settling on any one of the cultures in which I grew up, I now choose to explore many more cultures and find elements to love in each. Every day I make an effort to go toward what I don't understand. This wandering leads to the accidental learning that continually shapes my life. As I work in music today, I try to implement this idea — that the music I play, like me, doesn't belong to only one culture. In recent years, I have explored many musical traditions. Along the way, I have met musicians who share a belief in the creative power that exists at the intersection of cultures. These musicians have generously become my guides to their traditions. Thanks to them and their music I have found new meaning in my own music making. It is extraordinary the way people, music and cultures develop. The paths and experiences that guide them are unpredictable. Shaped by our families, neighborhoods, cultures and countries, each of us ultimately goes through this process of incorporating what we learn with who we are and who we seek to become. As we struggle to find our individual voices, I believe we must look beyond the voice we've been assigned, and find our place among the tones and timbre of human expression查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
技术求助:液体聚合氯化铝 需要过滤的是什么物质啊? 液体聚合氯化铝 在生产过程中, 需要过滤的是什么物质啊?采用何种方式过滤比较好啊!查看更多 5个回答 . 5人已关注
HYSYS三甘醇脱水? 谁能帮忙把这个流程弄好, 再生塔 数据符合规范就行,谢谢了!! 查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
惯性质量矩? 原来是英译中,我试试: The rotating and reciprocating machinery weighing 2250kg or less shall include mass moment of inertia of the total machine about CG (center of gravity) of the machine or sufficient data on individual components and their CGs to calculate the mass moment of inertia about 3 axes. 小于等于2250kg的旋转或 往复机 械应包括整个设备关于重心的质量惯性矩或单个部件的充分数据及重心以计算关于3根轴线的质量惯性矩.查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
怎样的化验室才符合要求? 我准备要建一个小化验室,但是第一次要怎么建才合格,希望大家给我点建议查看更多 8个回答 . 3人已关注
SYJ 33-1988 油田和原油长输管道变配电设计规定? SYJ 33-1988 油田和原油长输管道变配电设计规定查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
职业:通标标准技术服务有限公司 - 化工研发
学校:曲阜师范大学 - 孔子文化学院
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