锅炉房除氧器的安装高度? 按照水与水蒸气平衡态确定泵安装高度 查看更多
大型机泵如何盘车? 这些大型机组盘车器在机组正常工作时是与主轴同步运动吗? 大型机组盘车器在机组正常工作时不与主轴同步,通常都设有连锁,启动前都需退出才能启动。查看更多
锅炉烟囱的热量如何再利用? 回复 1# 老鑫 安装一套余热回收系统,也就是空气预热器,利用烟气加热空气再进炉膛助燃,节约燃料。我公司可设计制造查看更多
关于冷冻机的疑问!? 广义的讲,冷冻机是包含冷水机的,有制冷功能的都可以称为冷冻机,比如冷库用的冷风机,冷却空压机空气的冷 ... 谢谢,明白点了,谢谢啊 祝大家工作顺利查看更多
关于冷冻盐水的问题? 冷冻盐水就是通过向水中加入有机化合物或无机盐,使其能够在0℃以下的某个使用温度不冻结的水溶液称作冷冻盐水。无机盐有氯化钙、氯化钠、硝酸钠等,有机物有有机醇类等。主要用于0℃附近工作温度的降温和维持,不适合于深度降温。深度降温可以直接用制冷机。查看更多
fan case breakout是什么意思? breakout noise 穿透噪声、泄漏噪声 glossary of acoustical terminology 声学名词 术语 absorption coefficient the fraction of the incident sound power that is absorbed by a material on a scale from 0 to 1. ambient noise the background noise, including sounds from many sources near and far, associated with a given environment. aspect ratio the ratio of dimensions usually normalized to the smaller dimension (width to height for screens). a-weighting a standard frequency weighting that de-emphasizes low-frequency sound similar to average human hearing response and approximates loudness and annoyance of noise. a-weighted sound levels are frequently reported as dba. breakout noise noise associated with fan or airflow noise that radiates through the walls of a duct into the surrounding area.. broad-band noise noise comprised of a wide frequency range and not characterized by any tonal component. dba see a-weighting decibel (db) the measurement unit used in acoustics for expressing the logarithmic ratio of two sound pressures or powers. typically used to describe the magnitude of sound with respect to a reference level equal to the threshold of human hearing. frequency a descriptor for a periodic phenomenon. the frequency is equal to the number of times that the pressure wave repeats in a specified period of time. in the case of sound, frequency is measured in units of hertz **, which correspond to one cycle per second. hertz see frequency. noise criteria (nc) curves a set of spectral curves used to obtain a single number rating describing the “noisiness” of environments for a variety of uses. nc is typically used to rate the relative loudness of ventilation systems. noise reduction coefficient (nrc) a single number rating of the sound-absorption of a material equal to the arithmetic mean of the sound-absorption coefficients in the 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 hz octave frequency bands rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.05. reverberation collection of time-delayed sounds following a direct sound that result from reflections indoors. sound (1) an oscillation in pressure, resulting from molecular motion, in a viscous or elastic medium such as air, water, wood, steel, etc. (2) sound is an auditory sensation evoked by air molecules vibrating in a frequency range between 20 hz and 20,000 hz. sound insulation (1) the capacity of a structure to prevent sound from being transmitted from one space to another. (2) insulation used in a wall, floor or ceiling cavity to add damping and decrease transmitted sound. (see sound transmission loss. ) sound transmission class (stc) a single-number rating derived from laboratory measurement of sound transmission loss. stc is calculated in accordance with astm e413, “classification for rating sound insulation”. the stc describes the sound-insulating properties in the 100-4,000 hz frequency range, primarily for assessing speech transmissions through a structure, such as a partition. sound transmission loss (tl) a laboratory measurement of sound insulation indicative of the sound intensity flow transmitted through a partition without regard to the partition size, usually measured in one-third octave bands. speech reinforcement system an electronically amplified audio system designed to reproduce speech at a sufficient level for intelligibility to overcome distance and other acoustic limitation. vibration isolation the methods used to reduce vibration in a structure caused by vibrating equipment, including the use of springs and elastomeric materials. videoconference room a room designed for simultaneous audio and video communication between two groups at different locations. 查看更多
VOCs废气治理工艺汇总? 好,目前接触的,还有光氧,沸石转轮浓缩rto.查看更多
板式换热器? 不知道楼主用板式换热器做什么用途。 国产的板式换热器现在质量、工期都可以的查看更多
换热器管板钻孔问题? 这个地方问题可以参看gb151中6.4.5孔桥宽度偏差。通常做设计时,管板的技术要求都要从这个地方查找几个数据。 孔桥偏差主要是为了穿管方便,防止偏差大,导致换热管穿不去。另外,这个问题现在不是很突出,制造厂一般会用深孔钻床配合钻孔。查看更多
减压蒸馏塔? 看你是自己计算的还是精馏公司给的,精馏公司给的,一般是认证计算的,如果是负压的,气相口径根据气体流速来的。查看更多
hysys是如何启动的?? 两码事,晕查看更多
料仓设计壁厚? 回复 2# dqgousw 不好意思哦 这个标准还找不到哈 据说是还没正式出来查看更多
化工企业现场处置方案? 好心的兄弟们去哪了查看更多
为什么再生器藏量低了容易发生尾燃? 烧焦藏量过低,根据催化剂再生反应时间=藏量/催化剂循环量,也就是反应时间,停留时间短了,所以跑上面燃烧去了查看更多
有知道1G焦等于多少千焦? 1g焦是10的9次方焦,1gj=10^6kj查看更多
为何说加氢裂化技术是唯一能在重馏分油轻质化的同时制取 ...? 催化也是重油轻质化的手段,只是就目前来说其产品已经不符合现在社会环保的要求了,催化裂化和加氢裂化是两种反应原理不同的工艺,催化裂化是脱碳工艺,主要是将大分子变为小分子,通俗的理解是将含硫、氮、氧、金属等杂质的油品大分子变为含硫、氮、氧、金属等杂质的油品小分子,伴随这一过程的是将大分子脱去碳积局在催化剂上,再通过再生烧掉,因为杂质并没有直接脱去,所以往往产品达不到国家标准,仍然需要加氢补充精制才能出厂。而加氢裂化是加氢工艺,其使用的催化剂是双功能催化剂,即加氢又裂化,是通过对杂质原子加氢将其直接脱去,并发生断链与饱和反应,可谓一箭双雕。所以很多文献中提到加氢裂化必将在以后取代催化裂化,现在之所以没有大量普及主要是因为现有加氢裂化催化剂还水平有限,多以催化产品后精制为主,另外,催化裂化装置很普及,如果全将催化裂化换为加氢裂化,投资太大,查看更多
炼化企业加热炉管理导则? 到底是否能打开?版主是否通知楼主重新上传一下。查看更多
关于引风机安装问题? 我们的引风机有的在除尘器前面,也有磨损叶片的,不是腐蚀 用正压方式叶片如出现磨损,是因为灰尘的颗粒较粗导致的,在风机进风口前加个重力沉降室就可解决问题。查看更多
学习Aspen Plus用处有多大? 目前流程模拟软件很多,普遍认为aspen plus ,hysys,pro ii用的最为广泛,功能也非常强大。另外还有vgmsim 2.8;kbc petro_sim prosteam也不错。查看更多
开了冷氢化还需不需要三氯氢硅合成? 现在有项目同时开合成和冷氢化的吗?没听说哈,感觉开了冷氢化,合成再开的话,能耗降不下来了。 查看更多
职业:亚东石化(上海)有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:中山大学 - 化学系
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