文章被拒后,杂志建议转投,但是没有给转投的杂志名,请问这个是什么情况?投出去的文章,1月26号被拒。被拒信里没有提任何转投的事情。2月2号收到一封提醒的“转投信”:This is a reminder of our recent offer to help identify a journal that may be suitable for your manuscript. We would be happy to review your manuscript and provide a personal recommendation. You can, of course, decline the recommendations at any point. If you would like us to review your manuscript and provide a recommendation, please follow the link below to send your manuscript to me via the Transfer Manager service. 可是我登录投稿系统也没有任何关于转投杂志的信息,请问这是什么操作?查看更多17个回答 . 7人已关注