晶体数据SQUEEZE后的精修求助?各位朋友好,小弟有4个晶体数据,squeeze掉了溶剂分子(已无A,B类错误),投稿后被晶体数据的reviewer给打回来了,意见如下:The new manuscript pdf available for review is woefully incomplete. Missing is the entire manuscript text. A fully revised manuscript file is required. The authors are reminded again that they must follow the exact PLATON instructions to continue the post-squeeze refinements with squeezed data in the presence of the files:- name_sq.ins; name_sq.hkl and name_sq.fab for each structure. 请教专家后晓得是我PLATON版本太低,经更新程序后重新处理,结果CHECKCIF出现好几个AB类错误,处理不了,很是烦恼,请各位朋友不吝帮助,必有重谢(金钱也包括在内)!查看更多1个回答 . 4人已关注