你知道什么是“AB制”吗? 到了年底,大家肯定是聚会不断吧?除了公司年会、有人请客以外,估计大部分聚会都是“aa制”的哦?不过最近在年轻人当中 “ab制”挺流行的,你们听说了吗? in china, people tend to call “going dutch” an “aa treat,” meaning dividing the bill equally among all the diners. but now “ab treat” has become a fad among young people as some males now choose to pay a bigger slice of the bill, say 70 percent, while female friends dining with them pay the rest. 在中国,人们把几个人平摊用餐帐单的行为叫做“aa制”。而现如今,年轻人当中开始流行起“ab制”,它的意思是说,外出用餐时,由男性来支付帐单的大头,比如70%,剩下的部分由女性来支付。 for example: the dinner party last night was on an ab treat, so the ladies didn’t spend much on that. 昨晚的聚餐是ab制的,所以女士们都没有花太多钱。 转摘自海词快乐英语,供朋友们分享 查看更多