笑话 Another Forty Years to Live? Another Forty Years to Live Welcome to Dict.cn. I'm Phil, and today we will learn a new story. "Another Forty Years to Live". Cindy was from the richest neighborhood in town. One day, she had a heart attack and was taken to a hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience. She saw an angel and asked, “Is this it?” the angel said, “No, you have another 40 years to live.” Upon her recovery, Cindy decided to stay in the hospital and have a facelift. She even had someone dye her hair. She figured since she had another 40 years, she might as well make the most of it. She walked out of the hospital lobby and was killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. She arrived in front of the angel and said, “I thought you said I had another 40 years!” The angel replied, “Cindy? Is that you? I didn’t recognize you!” 再活40年 辛迪生活在城镇一个富裕社区。一天,她心脏病发作被送进了医院。 在手术台上时,她和死亡亲密接触了一下。她看到一个天使, 问:“我就这样完了吗?”天使说:“不,你还能活40年。” 在恢复的时候,辛迪决定留在医院里做一次整容。 她甚至让人给她染了头发。她盘算着既然她还能活40年, 她就要充分地利用它。 当她从医院大厅往外走的时候,被一辆疾驶的救护车撞死了。 她来到天使面前说:“我想你说过我还能活40年!” 天使回答:“辛迪?是你吗?我没认出你呀!”查看更多0个回答 . 5人已关注