有没有人能够把GPC的 dwt/d(logM)解释明白?完全理解的?dwt/d(logM):Displays the weight-normalized area of the slice.??The absolute value of the area of the slice is divided by the slope of the calibration curve at the adjusted elution volume of the slice. The ratios of area to slope for all the slices are summed, and then each ratio is divided by the sum.显示重量归一化后的切片的面积。 切片面积的绝对值除以切片的调整洗脱体积处的校准曲线的斜率。 将所有切片的面积与斜率的比率相加,然后将每个比率除以总和。有好多人认为是质量微分,但实际上并不是,dwt/d(logM)求和是一个很大的数,并且dwt/d(logM)本身也会大于1,该如何理解??????1.jpg2.jpg查看更多4个回答 . 19人已关注