有关光引发剂固化方法的问题,亲各位懂的大神留步解答!谢谢?1.? ? ? ? The photosensitive formulations(25 μm thick) were deposited on a BaF2 pellet in laminate (the formulation is sandwiched between two polypropylene films to avoid the re-oxygenation during the photopolymerization) or under air for irradiation with the different light sources.2. The photosensitive formulations were deposited on a BaF 2 pellet in laminate (25 μm thick) and irradiated.注:小弟正在做光 引发剂 的固化评价,上面是从文献里摘抄的聚合固化实验部分里的内容,主要是讲将光敏配方涂在BaF2 pellet上,用不同的光源照射然后在用傅里叶红外做跟踪。? ?? ?? ?1. 这里的BaF2 pellet指的是什么我一直没有搞懂;希望知道的大神指导,有实物图片的话更好!? ?? ?? ?2. 同样的问题,文献里提到的laminate是什么意思?求解答!!!附上两篇文献1和2查看更多7个回答 . 19人已关注