大神求助!用perl提取基因序列时遇到的问题。?我有A文件(从ensemble下载的 基因组 文件,fasta格式),chr1-3文件(txt格式,定位的基因位置,格式如chr1: 517101857-517103900)然后用论坛中其他人用过的如下代码提取却发现提出来的R文件只有序列名字如>chr1:517101857-517103900,并没有序列。求大神帮忙看看。 #!C:\Perl\bin\perl my $header; my $seq = ""; my $fastaFile = "E:/seq/chr1/A.fasta"; my %seq; open IN, "$fastaFile" or die "Cannot find the specified fasta file $fastaFile"; while(my $line=<IN>{ chomp($line); if ($line=~/^>/){ #the header line if (length $seq > 0){ #not the first line $seq{$header} = $seq; } $header = substr($line,1); #remove > $seq = ""; }else{ $seq.=$line; } } $seq{$header} = $seq; close IN; open IN, "E:/seq/chr1/chr1-3.txt"; open OUT, ">E:/seq/chr1/R.txt"; while (my $line = <IN>{ chomp ($line); my ($hvu,$pos)=split (":",$line); my ($start,$end)=split ("-",$pos); my $seq = $seq{$hvu}; my $part = substr($seq,$start, $end-$start); #add +1 or -1 after testing print OUT ">$line\n$part\n"; } close IN; close OUT;查看更多1个回答 . 2人已关注
氮气吸脱附曲线分类,according to the IUPAC classification,这个应该引用哪里啊?审稿人意见 One citation, which could be important for readers of manuscript, should be added, i.e. for classification of isotherm and hysteresis loops (Pure and Applied Chemistry 2015). 意思就是要把吸附曲线和滞后环分类引用一下??引哪里呢查看更多2个回答 . 4人已关注