g-equiv是什么单位?Niobium pentachloride (11.5 g) was added to a stirred suspension of lithium dimethylamide ( 0.215 g-equiv )in pentane. A slow reaction occurred with the development of an orange color. The misture was kept stirred at room temperature for 20 hours and was then filtered to remove insoluble lithium salts. Evaporation of pentane from the filtrate left a light brown solid (13.8 g; calc. for Nb(NMe2)5, 13.3 g).、 请问g-equiv是什么单位?既不是0.215 g,也不是0.215当量。谢谢!查看更多4个回答 . 16人已关注
Bruker D8测试过程中不小心打开了门,内心惶恐?今天下午在测试过程中,以为测试完成了(因为点开了上一张图,以为结束了),不小心按了开门按键后换样了,结果发现,测试没有完成。当时脑袋懵懵的,从本科用到博后的仪器,怎么就发生了这么无脑的操作。现在内心有点惶恐,不知道危害有多大。。。。这个过程持续了大约10s有的吧。。。。懵逼 测试条件40KV,40mA?查看更多3个回答 . 11人已关注