关于晶面的问题?The dominant exposed planes of Co3O4??nanocubes are{001}, which are the only planes normal to the set of??(220) planes with a lattice spacing of 0.28 nm.这里说是只暴露(220)晶面,但是为什么又说是{001}呢?为什么有的地方用“{}”,有的地方用“()”呢,这两个括号有什么区别吗?? ?? ?请各位大侠指点哈查看更多7个回答 . 19人已关注
求大神告诉我这段话的意思(关于CV的)?CV was carried out in the potential range of 0-0.65 V vs.SCE in aqueous electrolyte and in the potential range of 2.0-3.8 V vs. Na/Na+ with the scan rate of 50 uV/s. The diffusion coef?cient of Na-ion in NMO was determined using electrochemica impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The second cycle of CV was interrupted at each peak maximum and and EIS was carried out in the frequency range of 100 kHze3 mHz at the CV interruption voltage with AC amplitude of 10 mV. At each potential, relaxation period of 3 h was allowed prior to EIS measurements. 主要是这一句:"The second cycle of CV was interrupted at each peak maximum"到底是什么意思啊?查看更多3个回答 . 14人已关注