有关基因毒性杂质的一个问题,高手来!?1年前的帖子,当时刚接触基因毒性杂质。 目前我有了我自己的理解。 先来看下原话:Alerting structure, same alert in drug substance or compounds related to the drug substance (e.g., process intermediate ... 1、原话是这样没错,但是这句话个人觉得不易理解,完整的解释在后面,an impurity with a structural alert that is shared with the drug substance or related compounds can be considered as non-mutagenic (class 4 in table 1)if the testing of such material in the bacterial mutagenicity assay was negative,这句话的意思是明确的,不是您理解的意思 2、指导原则在哪,想看看 3、这个不在本次讨论之列了,因为M7得原则他就是这么写,是另外一种方式了, 欢饮探讨查看更多